Advice needed for supportive housing/ programs in Atlanta

My brother is 37 years old and diagnosed schizoaffective- depressive type. He’s struggled since his teens with social isolation. He currently lives with our elderly parents but says he wants his own place. He will not take meds unless someone gives them to him. He is on clozaril and that is the only antipsychotic that keeps him stable. He desperately wants to meet friends his own age but struggles with anxiety as well. Does anyone know of any programs in Atlanta where he can meet peers going through similar things? Also, any ideas on supportive housing in Atlanta? Group homes are fine also. He just needs a safe place where he can live semi independently and be supported.

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Hello @Hopefulhart and welcome to this forum. I think it is very good that you are searching for ways to help your brother. My daughter is the same, she probably would not continue to take her meds without me being involved, but I am trying to help her be as independent as she would like to be. NAMI is a good resource for what is available in any locations where they operate. Directions for Living offers peer support groups here also. There is one “day home” operating in our county for those with schizophrenia to meet up with others in a safe environment. Group homes are hard to find, and often very expensive. I never found one during my daughter’s actively psychotic years. You will just have to be patient and keep searching. I know nothing about the Atlanta area myself. We are in Tampa Bay.

Hi there, NAMI does have peer to peer classes, and a weekly support group (at least in my area, and I’m sure there is something similar in Atlanta. visit I have heard Skyland Trail in Atlanta is excellent. I know it is expensive, but perhaps he qualifies for a grant or financial aid? it might be worth going to their website and/or making a phone call or two to see if they have programs that would help with the finances of that. Best of luck.