Hello all, my sister stopped taking her meds, left her apartment and quit her job. She checked herself in a hotel. My family and I are trying to find her an apartment to live in. Due to her delusions, bouts of screaming and yelling at us. Along with other difficult behavior and refusal to take her meds,we unfortunately won’t let her live with any of us. We are willing to pool in and get her a place (if she will stay in it). This is all pretty new to us. Any advice on how to approach this situation? Thank you.
Welcome to the forum @Rhiaanon48.
Housing can be a problem. Sorry I don’t have any advise.
@Rhiaanon48 , Does she have a case worker? If she was working as I understand she wasn’t receiving SSI or food stamps. As long as she is willing and has a diagnosis if she has a case worker there might be help. She can be placed in group home OR if you can find her a place then a company can handle all her bills with her SSI check. Most states have places where they take care of bills for a small fee. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Wish I had an easy one for this!
Getting her an apt. on her own will probably only be temporary if she is off the meds.
As long as my son was noncompliant, he was not able to sustain anything. I set him up in so many places-then he was kicked out because he was not handling his money,etc…he was even kicked out of group and transitional places because he would not agree with rules there.
He ended up being homeless several times. But he also had a case manager through mental health court who helped him find a place-got him set up with SSI, medicaid, and a payee.
Your situation may be different in a lot of ways. Maybe the apt. will work for her.
I don’t know if this will help, but I found this… and it seemed interesting.
Schizophrenia: Definition, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevalence | Everyday Health.
it’s good to know the options.
Good luck.
I have heard of one getting kicked out of her apartment for screaming alot. One parent bout a travel trailer and rented a space so he couldn’t get kicked out. She could move it.
We took my brother off the streets for the second time thinking that we could help him. For the past 10 years my sister and I found my brother plenty of places to live. My sister even bought him a mobile home. In all cases so far, it didn’t work. It is difficult to keep someone in an apartment even on meds if they are defiant and won’t follow the rules. My sister found a new building that was built for low income disabled or seniors (he is on social security disability). It was hard to find information but with enough research we found out who the building company was so she contacted them. I suggest that you check with local officials to see if anything like that is available.
Make some calls to your local mental health services. Ask them if they know any supported housing options. Ask them if they know any semi-independent, supported housing situations and see if your sister will live in one. Call clinics, psychiatrists, therapists, hospitals, mental health counselors, NAMI etc. Anywhere that has to do with mental health. If you call and they can’t help you directly then ask them if they could at least give you some leads to other sources who can help you. You know your sister best: what will she agree too? My dad was once going to buy me a house trailer to live in. Back then you could get one for about $12,000. But once it is payed it off and you own it then someone can live almost rent-free for the rest of their life. Just maybe paying for a space in a trailer park each month for a couple hundred dollars.