Hello all,
I am waiting for the copy of “I am not sick I don’t need help” to arrive at my local library, which could be a while. I have no access to therapy for myself, hence my requests on this forum, which has been very helpful so far.
In the meantime, my un-medicated schizoaffective husband, who is living in another state thousands of miles away and is homeless, is daily arguing with me on the phone, trying to get me to move back and live homeless with him.
I spent all my money moving last year to move, have had trouble finding work and have not been able to build my savings back up yet, but there is a possibility of a full-time job in the near future where I live now. I am wary of mentioning this to him because he wants to see me ASAP and the work would keep me away from him longer.
I do want to be with him in the future, but he wants me to move now. How do I listen to his concerns without upsetting him by suggesting I need to wait until I have enough money to move? When I have suggested this before, he becomes angry and threatens suicide. I am honestly doing all that I can physically and mentally do, yet it is not enough for him. Will the LEAP method help in this situation? His ideas are so fantastic and unrealistic. It is difficult for me to keep my mouth shut and he demands a response. What do I say? He is very smart and is not fooled by pat answers that he’s heard from psychiatrists and psychologists over the years.
Friends have suggested just letting him go and letting him take control of his own life. While I understand their position, my husband needs help that he hasn’t been able to find on his own (and resources are overtaxed in Northern CA where he is right now) and is in a desperate state of being. It tears me up that he is living the way he is right now. Any advice?
The past week has been extremely stressful and I would appreciate any advice. Love to you all; you’ve been great!