Daughter checking out colleges

It’s been a while since I was on here. But my daughter decided on her own that she does want to go to college. She has applied for a nearby community college to study art. She also applied for an art school. The art school is an extension of Pratt Institute in New York City. The extension school is two years and then two years at the NYC location. When she visited, they seemed impressed by her portfolio. She would have many opportunities if she is accepted for this school. The acceptance rate is only 56%, so it could be a long shot, but she wanted to try and said it is in God’s hand whether or not she gets accepted, it is quite expensive…

The community college is much closer and cheaper and would be near her support team (p-doc and therapist) so we wouldn’t have to get a new psychiatrist and therapist for her. But like I said, the art school would provide much more opportunities for her.

Like she said, it is in His hands.


Best of luck to yall…

Thank you for updating us! I have been wondering how things are going. Best wishes to her with the decisions.

How exciting. We don’t want to hold back our loved ones, assuming you are willing and able to go along with whatever happens! Our paths can change over time and that is OK, too. I suggest helping your daughter create a Psychiatric Advance Directive (or her therapist is probably best suited to do that) to be able to fall back on her support team and on her own personal wishes that she can make known while she is doing so well.

Wow! We just found out that she was accepted for the art school!! With a decent scholarship.


It looks as if it might be hard to afford the art school even with the financial offer we received from them.

Community college might be less stressful as a way to start out.

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Also big benefit … keeping current support team


There is probably not only ONE right way to get where you and your daughter want to go. The hard part is when our expectations get interrupted. With your daughter you could make a list of the pros and cons of each option (or others). Sometimes that can help make the decision be more palatable and appreciated.