A SAMHSA sponsored webinar:
Employment and Young Adults with SMHC
Tuesday, June 28, 2016 7:00:00 PM BST - 8:30:00 PM BST
Actual Title of the Webinar: “Employment and young adults with SMHC: Generating well-being and career options”
- What’s different about young adults with mental illness
a. Young adult life
i. Technology
ii. Substance abuse and use
iii. Economic uncertainty and labor markets
iv. Family formation
v. Values- tolerance and sensitivity
b. Systemic issues
i. Experience of education as adolescents
ii. “Aging out” process
iii. Adult system not meeting developmental needs
c. Individual challenges faced by young adults with SMI
i. Low self-efficacy
ii. Incomplete education
iii. Lack of work experience
d. First episode v transition mental illness - Employment supports and young adults
a. Supported employment and related models
b. Vocational rehabilitation model
c. Internships
d. Preferences of young adults
i. Employment [search] preparation
ii. Family support
iii. Education - The necessary and growing role of the employer
a. Organizational Culture and Framework
i. Accepting and supporting presence young people with SMI
ii. Diversity lens
b. Best practices, egs.,
i. Supervision
ii. Staff orientation and training
iii. Reasonable accommodation framework, assess difficulties with functions not symptoms
iv. Building young adult resilience and soft skills
c. Incentives for employers - Special case- peer mentors