Grieving my childhood

May 23: I just sent my research proposal to Canadian Professor. I hope that door would open too.
My Mom has lost her reasoning. Today, I was having dinner with her. She could not eat well. Thank God, my brother is a doctor and would take care of her.

I think about it due to the fact that immigration is easier, and my life would be manageable.

To summarize:

Ocean Instrumentation Professor said, it was highly unlikely and would require serious commitment.

a) Arkansas offer, I did accept but processing application for Ph.D. I have two more documents to go
b) Canadian Ph.D, in process with professor. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll get a offer but a bird in hand is worth two in the bush

@wreklus: Iā€™m wondering if you know about online support groups? I mean like Google Hangout

I took a look at an app called 7 cups a while back. I didnā€™t like the format very much, if felt like a big commitment. But, there seem to be a good amount of people on there who are willing to spend time reading in an ā€œactive listeningā€ style. I like the idea, but I personally canā€™t commit the time.
I much prefer message boards, personally.

@wreklus: I see. Okay so I met my cousin. My Momā€™s older sisterā€™s brother. He and I were talking about how few in the family are affected by Schizophrenia. Heā€™s close to 40, so heā€™s past the age where he can get it. Heā€™s not married and doesnā€™t plan to get married. I wonder how it works?

I might be mistaken, but I think there is a possibility of ā€œlate onsetā€ Schizophrenia. Most people start having symptoms when theyā€™re young and the symptoms progress over a short time. But I have a friend whoā€™s close relative started having symptoms and was diagnosed in their 40s. Now, itā€™s possible that they simply had a slower progression of symptoms. But, their family believes it was late onset.
I wouldnā€™t worry too much about it. Mostly because we are statistically much more likely to suffer from a whole list of other problems, especially after our 20s.
But for me, it underlines the need to be financially stable, prepared for big medical expenses, and educated on what signs to watch for in ourselves to catch problems before they get out of control.
For example, I am much more likely to be injured in a car accident, or develop cancer, or become depressed. Luckily, preparing for all of those potential problems all go hand in hand pretty well. Have emergency savings, take care of your mental, physical and emotional health, and know what to do if you have an accident, or start feeling like something is wrong. With any luck, we can afford to see a doctor when we need to and have the kind of lifestyle that promotes healing.

Are you sure?

They say, most of the signs come before the age of 25 for both women and men.

You know? I saw a Brazilian student having Schizophrenia. He started to say, ā€œEveryone around him is plotting against him.ā€

June 6: The Canadian Professor is taking sabbatical sigh! For now, I have the offer from U of Arkansas Little Rock for Ph.D in Information Science. Iā€™m looking into post-Ph.D careers even outside America.

I know having a Ph.D wonā€™t entitle to a job but why canā€™t I find exactly some good stable careers?

@wreklus: I got an official admit letter from U of Arkansas, Ph.D! Wohooo. I want to get married too!


Congratulations, @confessing!

@wreklus: Iā€™m waiting for my I-20 and after that Iā€™d have to renew my visa.

Iā€™ve been trying to date women in the meantime.

Iā€™m back in my hometown. Itā€™s been a month. My Mom is in the city. I felt that if I fly out of the country, It might be the last time.

Glad youā€™re pressing forward with the things you want for yourself!

@wrecklus: Thanks! Iā€™m in the midst of applying for a Visa for my Ph.D program! I received my I-20 a day ago!

On Marriage part, Iā€™ve been looking into someone. I wish I could fall in love lol!

@wreklus: I feel that I just donā€™t have any support system in my life currently! Sigh.

I understand that feeling!

I find that I donā€™t keep friends very close. I have a few and I catch up with them only occasionally.
I am fortunate to be close with my DXā€™d brother. Knowing I can call him just about any time helps a lot.

But I know that family isnā€™t the same for everyone.

Everyone needs a confidant. Someone they can talk to about anything. It takes time to build that kind of trust and familiarity with another person.
Maybe a long term goal for you is to develop that kind of connection with someone else.
Iā€™d recommend starting by trying to be that person for somebody else and eventually, you might just eventually evolve into that kind of relationship.
It doesnā€™t have to be family, or a significant other.

As a guy, I find that 99% of the time, I get all of the support and encouragement I need from my girlfriend. This seems to be pretty typical for men. But itā€™s hard to find a loving relationship where you can be completely open.

If youā€™re just looking for ways to vent and converse, this site is a good resource. Combined with friends and other people, you can put together a patchwork support system. There are chat apps for this kind of thing, too. ((7cups comes to mind)).

Glad you see the need for more open channels of communication with others for support. Working toward finding that seems like a journey in self-improvement to me.
The way you communicate, your reactions to it, body language, and how you initiate conversation are all deeply personal things. Things that can be refined into being the type of person others are comfortable opening up to. And, in turn, being open toward.

Thanks! I think, I want a permanent GF and someone stable for long-term. I do feel something is missing in my life and itā€™s the relationships/people that I can keep in contact or be close with them.

Itā€™s interesting to learn and understand about different things.

Finding a person who you can respect and appreciate, who also respects and appreciates you is a challenge.
You might find that (like myself), there are a lot of small things you have to practice and learn to be ready for it.
I look at it like a life long journey, as I do with most things that matter.

@wreklus: Iā€™m alone 95% of the time and I dislike it.

You got that right, my gf of 15 years (pic 10 years ago lol), my dear wife of 29 years has been sic 25 yearsā€¦

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I know how that feels! I spent years on my own. It was made worse because I was hard up for money and feeling like I didnā€™t have much to offer in a relationship.
But, I made it a priority to mold myself into the kind of guy that someone I wanted would want to be with. I even bought an audio book about being a better boyfriend / husband that included some advice on dating. I learned that I had a lot of habits and mannerisms that were sabotaging my efforts in dating.
Iā€™m genuinely a good guy with lots of great qualities, but it didnā€™t matter when I was coming across as a nonchalant jerk (unintentionally) when I spoke to women I was interested in.
I had to practice cleaning up my look, refining the things I would talk about, being an active listener and giving the signals of an interested, interesting, safe, exciting, respectable guy.

Thatā€™s why I say finding someone who is right for you can be a journey. I couldnā€™t be faulted for not knowing that I was putting out a negative vibe when dating, but the consequences were being lonely and upset about it.
Simple things helped turn things around.
I used it as motivation to change careers so that I could be more financially secure as a provider.
I started turning my shoulders and hips toward people when they speak to me (to display interest and attention).
I kept my topics of conversation geared toward the positive direction my life is going, about the people who influenced me in a positive way, and the challenges Iā€™ve overcome (rather than gripe about things that were difficult, or complain about work).
I started keeping myself, my home and my vehicle clean. I was already pretty good at this stuff, but I made up daily and weekly routines, knowing that a smelly car or hair that needs a trim is a subconscious check in the negative column regarding how much effort I put into preparing to go on a particular date.
I found it was better to text well ahead and postpone a date if I didnā€™t feel up to it.
I asked questions about the other personā€™s family like, ā€œWho are you closest with?ā€ Or direct questions about dating like, ā€œWhat kind of person are you hoping to date? How long would you want to date that person?ā€
It not about being fake. Itā€™s about demonstrating that you are willing to put some effort into impressing the right person.

But, this is a big topic. And Iā€™ve already written a wall of text on it here (sorry!)
Iā€™ll refrain from assuming your own gender and preferences. But the book that helped me a ton was:

The Manā€™s Guide to Women
By John Gottman

I listened to a little bit of this every day while driving to work. I learned that I was doing some things well, but I was also unintentionally sending some bad signals when dating.

Thanks for the suggestion. Iā€™ll look into it.