How can i persuade my 19 year old daughter get back on her meds. She is growing worse each day

From: elikplim5h

How can i persuade my 19 year old daughter get back on her meds. She is growing worse each day

I recommend you watch the series of videos (and read his book) by Xavier Amador. See below:


The book is:

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I have had sza for many years and I graduated university 18 years ago. My first novel, THE TEMPTRESS ARIEL, might interest your daughter as it is about two schizophrenics who fall in love
but the sz woman starts to get sick when she goes off her meds. Your daughter may not be well enough to read it but if she can it might help her see that she is becoming ill like the young woman in this book.


I am going thru the same thing with my son, after 4 hospitalization and talking about his needs to take his meds and go to doctors appointments he just will not. Tells me he does not need them. I wish I new the answer and am asking the same questions, I have that book at home, I guess I should read it.
crippling disease this is.

Sigh. I understand. My daughter was ill for 3 years before forced onto meds by a court order. During those 3 years, I tried everything to get her to agree and partner about meds (part of the LEAP process from Dr. Amador). I read the book twice, and found it useful to get small agreements going (like opening her door to talk to me, like taking dinner from me, like going for a nightly walk with me). Perhaps those small steps led to her going out in town, which led to her arrest and force medication. I feel lucky that she ended up on meds, and the meds are still working.

I am so sorry you are going through caregiving for this crippling mental illness. It is truly awful. You can only do the best you can.

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Yes, it is not easy but read the book and practice what it says. With diligence and patience on your part, there is hope.