How often to ask for bloodwork? physical exams?

I guess I’m a little perplexed with my doctor. My son has gain at least 50 pounds and his doctor doesn’t mention it. He did suggest he go to the Y and spend the entire day there. His GP said his PDOC would need to order blood work but I would think all of that would be important. How about your loved ones? How often do they have blood work and exams?

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My son gets clozapine levels every month for the pdoc, depakote levels and liver enzymes every three months for the pdoc and she shares with is family doc and vitamin D and everything else, glucose, cholesterol etc…every 6 months with his usual check up with his family doc and she shares with his pdoc, most people go once a year for a check up but with all the meds and weight gain (my son is 100 lbs over weight now) his doctor insists on twice a year unless he becomes ill then she would see him right away. .

My son’s pdoc told us to get his family doctor to do it - she had no problem ordering a full blood panel.
The pdoc did write down what he’d like to see when i asked him to.

Depends on the medication. For obesity, blood work for diabetes was ordered by my pdoc, along with cholesterol and my TSH. We talk about those issues and my pdoc screens for them, put in the lab order.

Mine’s in the hospital and they do blood work every week. However he hasn’t been to an actual doctor in over a year, so I’ll have to take care of that once he gets out.