How people who have schizophrenia feel

I want to get away from other people, to be alone.

And how do you become friends?

‘They’ are not a factory products, ya know.
Your questions are weird and it gotta be said.


e(Y)e Jus Noticed Some Of Your Posts Are What Seems To Be In Threads Are Incorrect-ish … ,

Is That a “bi-polar” Problem … ,

To Post Statements Where You Didn’t Mean To Post Them (???)

I feel frustrated, inadequate, angry. That diminishes when I am on med’s, but it never goes away completely.

The inner self doesn’t exist

e(Y)e Feel Calm , Collected , Peaceful , Slightly Happi , Slightly Sad … ,

and Full Of Hope For a Future Within a Foggy Space Of Love … ,

Meds Are and Can Be Helpful ,


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People usually don’t become friends with their stalkers. You still clearly haven’t learned that we are all unique individual people. Schizophrenics don’t share one hive mind. You make friends with “them” the exact same way you make friends with anyone else. I will once again remind you this section is for family members and significant others of people with sz. It is not the place where someone with a crush goes for tips on how to pick someone up. Please start showing respect or leave.

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Oh man ,

e(Y)e Didn’t Know Thaz Yo … ,

e(Y)e Know You Are Talking To Someone Else … ,

Jus Curious Tho ,

Everyone In Thus Thread is Related To Someone With Schizophrenia (???)

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No. Murka has a crush with someone she has only ever talked to online. She knows he has sz, and not much else. She has been asking how she can “make him lose his mind” and obey her. She is not related to anyone with sz.

Well @murka ,

You Aren’t Legally Allowed To make Anyone Lose Their Myndes … ,

but To Make Someone “lose their myndes” In a Positive Way As They Fall In love With You ,

Jus Be Yourself … ,

If They Are Naught Interested … ,

It Wasn’t Meant To be … ,

and No , You Shouldn’t Want Someone To “obey” You , Thaz Is Jus Wrong and Naught Cool …

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“The divided personality sees itself as the hub of a collapsing world; the integrated personality sees itself as part of an expanding universe.”

                                                        ----------- Robert Bray Wingate

I feel damaged and blessed.

I wish I knew for sure. My son is paranoid sz on meds and “seems” fine most of the time; although after being around him for more than a few minutes, if he talks to you (meaning like a stranger, someone who doesn’t know about his illness) when he does talk to that person, they may notice something a little odd. As I say, he is mostly fine on the outside. I just wish I could know what he’s thinking. If I ask him, he says, “Nuthin’” and if I ask if everything’s okay, he says, "Yeah. . . " and I think he only tells me what I want to hear, doesn’t want to upset me. It’s one of the hardest things for me, as a mother.

I’ve been on meds for 6 years and I feel very good now, I have my days that I have paranoia but I know how to control it now so people don’t realize. When that happens I feel anxiety and I get sad but having a good support system is extremely important, so you get lifted up again. Hope that’s what I feel

my head feels ok
my chest isn’t pointed outwards
my shoulders are slumped
my neck is stiff
my stomach is overfilled
my knees ache
my arms are limber
my hands tremble ever so slightly
my feet are resilient

overall, I have poor posture but at least everything still works.

Everything you feel. Sometimes all at once. Sometimes nothing at all.

I think this must be how my son feels. He is withdrawn and doesn’t go anywhere, doesn’t talk a lot. It has to be so lonely. I can’t stand seeing him like this!

Thank you for posting this question. I wondered about this myself on what goes on inside my daughter’s thinking and feelings. I hope that in the near future scientists will discover a breakthrough treatment. I pray for it daily.

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