How to Respond in a Helpful Manner to a person with disturbing beliefs

This is a good short paper on how to respond helpfully to people’s strange or unusual beliefs that they may tell you about. This is developed for mental health professionals, but is valuable for family members and anyone who deals with people who may have psychosis:

Responding therapeutically to disturbing beliefs

Also - attached below:

Responding to disturbing beliefs - handout (1).pdf (46.0 KB)


This is quite useful to give me some ideas for responses when my son is highly upset by his delusions and texting me.


I missed this when it was originally posted - glad it got bumped to the top!

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I have been using the suggestions - so nice to have new ways to say things.


Thanks for posting this

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Thanks I adopt these having learned in family therapy but due to being a human being I forget at times and good to refresh .

For me it was nice to have some changes to the usual LEAP approach. I do some positive reality testing in our texts these days. Just simple stuff that doesn’t challenge what he is saying.

I would add taget="_blank" to the document, but the paper was excellent and more people need to read it.

Merci beaucoup for this very helpful paper!

Blessings from Vermont

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I’m printing this now! When my son told me he was the highest angel, I could have used some advice, to say the least!

Found it!! And I completed 3 year re-evaluation paperwork this afternoon, 3 chewy caramels covered in dark chocolate as a reward for myself.

@hope4us - this a good read.


Yes, this is the one I was thinking of.

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Thank you so much! Congrats on the paperwork completion…and on limiting yourself to 3 caramels. I’m afraid stress is not helping my diet right now.

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@Jane57 Here’s the thread! Much easier to read.


Thanks for highlighting this hope :smile:

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Could anyone help me with using these techniques when my husband is angry with me because “the writing on the walls and they tell him I am lying and cheating”?

Assuming it is true, you can ask if he ever had any reason to doubt your love for him and remind him of the ways that you show love to him. The writing must be meant for someone else because it is certainly not about you.