Husband has schizophrenia but in denial; wants me to leave him; divorce

I agree with @crimby. When I was psychotic and refusing treatment, the one thing that led me to see a psychiatrist was the sentence “Do you want to end up crazy on the streets and homeless? Because that’s what’s going to happen if you don’t find the help you need”.

Have a serious conversation with him, tell him what he looks like from the outside and refuse to leave and take his considerations very seriously, because he is psychotic, he doesn’t really mean it, and his fears of you abandoning him are too overwhelming so he feels that he has to push that on himself to prove himself that he could do it. But those are fears manifesting themselves, not serious considerations of what’s happening in reality. He doesn’t choose to believe them either. Don’t take it so personally when he says you’re cheating, because you’re not, and he doesn’t really know that.

My advice really is don’t give up, you can make progress if you keep yourself firm to the idea of treatment, even if that takes awhile.

You can always hospitalize him, learn the ways to do that.

Hmmm. I might try this answer cause this particular thing comes daily. Any question aggeevates him…unless its about daily news or al football

Im glad you commented. I know he is not himself when he says things and him saying im cheating r trying to kill him i can get past. But he is very firm telling me to get out of his house. He says he use to care about me but now he dont.

I don’t believe he’s serious when saying that stuff. When I was psychotic I also thought I didn’t want anything to do with my family, and once the meds kicked in I regreted that. I was lucky they understood it was the illness.

Be firm, get him help.

I re-read your post and have a question. I am trying to soak in all the advice I can get. You mentioned you finally accepted the fact you needed to see the dr or psychiatrist once someone said “do you want to end up crazy on the streets and homeless.” But how well do you think this would work in my situation taken that I have heard women are more likely to accept the fact they have sz or anything wrong more than men. My situation is that although I have NEVER used the word crazy, he will quickly say “i am not crazy, or you are just trying to make me look crazy”. All I say is you have had a work accident and have had TBI and a big bolt go through your head, don’t you want to see what the injury had done." that is when he says I am not crazy. etc. and the streets and homeless part. Because he said he wants me to leave the house. My son and I can move and live someplace else but he is keeping the house, I have mentioned if i move he will have no power, water, heat, food, etc. And said he can live just fine without me. He don’t need me. Then I say well your going to have a house but thats it, you will be living like your camping outside but with a roof over your head. Too, I try to hug him and he says get away. He don’t trust me. And if i say you need help that is not normal…he says yes its normal…i am not normal wanting affection like i do (i have not kissed, said i love you, touched, in months by the way)

Statistically the most problematic cause of psychosis, though I have seen a # of TBI-induced psychosis pts respond well to combos of very carefully selected meds and appropriate psychotherapies (mostly among those listed below).

Question: Did he have any of these symptoms before he suffered the injury at work? Because if he did, they figure prominently in both treatment selection and prognosis.

REBT – Rational emotive behavior therapy - Wikipedia
Schematherapy – Schema therapy - Wikipedia
Learned Optimism – Learned optimism - Wikipedia
Standard CBT –
MBSR – Welcome to the Mindful Living Blog
ACT – ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
10 StEP – Pair A Docks: The 10 StEPs of Emotion Processing
MBBT – An Introduction to Mind-Body Bridging & the I-System – New Harbinger Publications, Inc

He didnt have all these symptoms before accident. He was in to illuminati before accident but he was just fine…after accident he has slower response and proccessing, dizzy and sensitive to light…migraine…forgot where he was sometime…flant expression on face…dulusion that i cheat r try to kill him…r he is a king and people want his money etc. He cover holes n walls…turns clocks around…

Not part of illuminati but what i meant was reasearchef it alot…sorry…had to clarify

If he was obsessively into that, it might be an indicator of his heading towards psychosis before the TBI. Have any of his docs tried a course of Tegretol carbemazepine along with an anti-psychotic? Though usage for TBI-induced psychotic behaviors is not FDA-approved, it is often done… because it often works, especially with behaviors of the sort you described.

I get the feeling you’re still expecting a normal behaviour out of him, and I’m sorry to say but until he gets the help he needs you won’t have that.

I would give up any expectations of signs of love until he gets help and is stabled, that should be your main focus right now. It sounds like he’s dealing with a lot, even if it’s not real, it’s real to him, so it’s a very stressful reality now.

I don’t think you’re doing it right if you comply with his desires of leaving the house, that’s just a way of abandoning him to his illness.

Maybe you should force a hospitalization, on the grounds of him being a danger to himself, even if he now thinks you are trying to make him sound crazy, that will eventually pass with medication.

Again, his mental health is the important thing here, and you should be firm about that, despite of what he thinks or says.

After the accident, he was only seen by doctors through workers comp. So those doctors really didn’t diagnose him with much for WC sake. For instance, they call it a concussion but with all these symptoms and me talking to a voc rehab person, it is a TBI. So with that being said, my husband had a MRI, CATSAN, ENT Dr test and all that done. the only diagnose they can give was he has an injury within the balance pathway of his brain. And that was the dr not from workers comp that said that. my husband says nothing is wrong, he is not crazy and in denial. will not see a psychiatrist about SZ. This SZ symptoms came after incident. However, he did look into Illuminati before incident. so i just assumed its from accident. It would be nice if he would admit he has SZ and go see dr. His disability hearing is coming up in Dec. I feel he wont get it because he says nothing is wrong.

I joined this forum yesterday and have gotten a little more motivation and energy to deal longer with his illness. So from what i gather, yes leaving and giving him what he wants is not a good idea. I would still be worried about him anyway if I did leave. I love him. But he asked me to go so i was going. But now I know I should be firm and say i am not going. and tell him how he looks which i have and tell him i am worried and just be patient. This forum has helped so much. and I really appreciate it.

I wish you the best of luck. It’s not easy, and it’s not going to be easy until he gets some help.

Have you considered hospitalization? You mentioned he tried to hurt himself taking something out of his head. That constitutes him being a danger to himself. Sometimes forcing a hospitalization brings some insight into something that’s wrong.

My hospitalization was forced and I thanked my mom imensly for sending me there. I would never understand I have an illness if people gave up on me.

Actually, what I mentioned was he had a work injury. He drove an 18 wheeler with lumber on the back. He drove a mophet (forklift) to unload the lumber at the residence house. As he was unloading lumber, the check balance leg didn’t stay on for the forklift to balance on a slant. The forklift flipped and my husband went flying. Seatbelt was on but didn’t hold him in. There is two lights connected to the front of the forklift. When my husband went flying, his head hit the bolts. The bolts went through his forehead in the middle and one went through right in between the eyes. He has never tried to harm himself or me or my son. He has forgot where he was and other symptoms though. But he is not a danger. It would be hard to get him hospitalized. He can pretend he is okay very well for other people. HONESTLY REALLY GOOD AT PRETENDING.

Oh I’m sorry I misread than! Then I don’t know what to tell you. Can you talk to his doctor for him to prescribe some antipsychotics? My family doctor prescribed me some, I took them for two weeks I was feeling better but then I got scared my delusions would fade, and stopped taking them. I don’t know how it works in your country but here is enough to not be not complaiant to meds to be hospitalized my mom just told me. Where are you from?

I took him to dr but i told him it was for a check up from injury. I talked to dr before his appt and dr knew he had sz symptoms. He never told my husband that. Dr just asked husband does he see things r dulusional. Husband said no. So dr gave him meds called geotin. Told him it was for mood swings. But really for sz. Husband took it one time. Then said we giving him meds to make him forget things. This was regular medical dr. He n denail and wont go to psychiatrist. Im from alabama.

Have you contacted NAMI to know what your options are?

No. But I can/will. I will try putting my foot down and tell him he needs help…but if not I will look at NAMI. THANKS!!

I’ve been diagnosed for 6 years but at the beginning I didn’t know what was wrong with me and I would fight with everybody else because I thought they were against me. One day I fought with my sister because I thought she was talking bad about me with her boyfriend. Suddenly she started crying very emotionally telling me how could I think she could talk about me and at that moment I realized something was wrong with me, I was wrong! and from there I looked for help. What I am trying to say is try to don’t confront him instead show him how much you are hurting, don’t hide your emotions. Tell him you love him more than anything in the world and you will be there with him to go through the whole process until he realized he has to look for help. Hope this can help you!! Wish you all the best

Well I havent said anything to him for 6 months or more. I got exhausted from fighting this battle. Since I have not said anything to him regards to sz, he basically started doing what i mentioned. Tells me to get my hands away if I try to have personal contact, hug or anything. Says we are not a couple. He wants nothing to do with me. I am a room mate. He sits home with my son. I come home from work, go straight to my sons room and spend time with him. Cause If I say Im coming to the living room to spend time with him, he says he don’t want my attention.

Recently, every morning before i leave I say i love you to my husband. Of course, he does not respond. That makes me feel great!! When I come in I try to connect to him even though he refused it. So I don’t know what else to do. But I could try to say what you said. He don’t trust me so never wants my attention because Im a bad person in his eyes. But if he lets me i can do that. He has accused me of many things over the last yr: cheating, paying someone to kill him, talking about him (i wasnt), etc.