I’ve been married for five months, husband has no history of mental illness about three months ago he started having auditory hallucination his hearing voices he’s talking back to them but I’ll talk to him sometimes he can’t even hear me I’m going to keep calling his name over and over he gets mad at me then he asked me if I hear the voices and I said no he thinks someone has paid me off to say I donot hear voices. What do I do if I put it in at the hospital what do you recommend please help me. He also quit his job because he feels like the people at his job are trying to kill him when I tell him he needs money he says don’t worry because he feels like he’s suing all these different people and he’s going to have millions and millions of dollars I mean I said we need money he says he gets mad at me. I don’t believe that he’s going to get millions I don’t know what to do I just been trying to work a lot and not to deal with it.he is the love of my life and I am so sad what do I do
Sorry for your loss, you need a long term plan. Hopefully he will understand the need for a psychiatrist… He must take the next step. Do not fight or get mad as he has a handicap… If it were me and no children and young I would walk.
We have no kids and I am only 36 . I am a respiratory therapist and have a great job and income. So none of that is an issue. I love him so much. I don’t know if UK can just walk away. I feel like I would only think about him for the rest of my life and what if 's.
You are in a fortunate position to catch it right away. If you can get him committed to a mental hospital asap then as soon as he is on the meds you can have a logical talk with him. If you can get him to agree to stay on the meds then stay with him and tell him that is the deal. Otherwise you will lose your life. I have been to NAMI support group meetings and I can tell you plenty of horror stories of how the life ends up without staying on meds or naturopathic supplements designed for schizophrenia. You have to put your foot down quickly, as it is the very best time (at the beginning) to really make a difference in having a normal life or a life of in and out of the hospital.
Once he is stable you can work with him on natural approaches, as he will likely hate the meds that lower his libido and make him gain a lot of weight. The injection shot has the least side effects like that and all families I have spoken with say their loved ones have excellent results using them.
See what your state laws are for a spouse to have conservatorship and see if you can make a difference this way.
Success in life is possible and he can get back to work if you can get him into counseling right away. Most of the time if this time period is missed, it is just in and out of the mental hospital and a typical 10 year journey for the person to finally realize that they are sick and even then only about 50% figure it out.
I personally have been on this journey with my daughter for 5 years and she is now normal with taking homeopathics. But that is not a very good first step.
My husband, like yours, suffers from similar symptoms. He hears voices that he swears are real. The voices threaten, harass, tease and haunt him, and many of the voices are former co-workers who were actually friends. Sometimes they threaten to kill him. Some days they consume him and he can hardly hear those of us in reality when we speak to him. Desperate for answers, he finally concluded that someone must have placed chips in his body because that “was the only explanation that made sense as to how this could be happening” to him.
He needed help. I knew it. But the help I felt he needed (medication and counseling) was different from that which he felt he needed (chip removal). He would become angry if I insinuated that perhaps the voices were not real but instead resulted from another cause. Reading on this forum helped me to understand that my insinuations were of no benefit to anyone.
I convinced my husband that hospitalization was crucial by telling him that help could be provided to quiet the voices. He was in crisis at the time; the voices were so overpowering that he was consumed by them and unable to function. He talked to the voices, to the walls, and talked about the voices nearly nonstop. At that point, I figured that it did not matter if he thought the voices were real or not, the hospitalization could help him live a more peaceful life. He finally agreed (and perhaps thought the medical providers could also remove the chips). Once in the hospital, the doctors explained to him that they would begin by trying medication. If that did not help, then they would talk with him more about the chips. He was onboard.
He was released from the hospital last Saturday after nearly 3 weeks. The doctors have him on 600 mg of Seroquel, which has definitely quieted the voices. He can still hear them, but they are not consuming him. Outpatient care of 3 days per week and 3 hours per day started this week. (It was less than recommended but more than he wanted to attend, so probably a reasonable compromise.) He is taking part in group sessions with others who hear voices, and they exchange ideas on coping. It was the first time he became aware of others who suffer from the same harassing situation, and I believe that although he says “their voices aren’t real but mine are,” I think it is helping him in many ways, particularly with understanding that he is not alone.
Good luck on this journey. Mine has been nothing compared to what I have read that others on this forum have experienced, yet it has and will continue to have its challenges. Prepare yourself for a bumpy ride.
Sigh. I am so very sorry @Roya20 to hear how this illness has interrupted your husband’s life in your newlywed months. Oh wow, what a disappointing situation for you to have to deal with this.
The hearing/talking to voices non-stop will most likely not get better without medication. @GSSP is correct that you will need a loooong term plan to help your husband with this horrible handicap. @Kelly is also right that taking care of your husband will consume you, your old life is gone, I’m afraid to say. You cannot change your husband’s delusions, which is a hard thing to learn. I am glad that you have a good job so money won’t be a problem, however, getting him medical help/hospitalization as @TRO suggests is vital. TRO has had a very good outcome recently, and that is such a good example for you.
It is frightening to have to develop a plan and try to get it into effect. Coming here and reading and getting ideas will help you. There is some comfort in knowing others have dealt with this disease in their loved ones.
My daughter, now 35, whose illness started in March 2016, was actively psychotic and unable to work very much for over 2 years (2016 to 2018) (5 hospitalizations until she was court ordered to stay on meds). She has been on a monthly injection now for almost a year. Only the injection has restored some peace to her life (and mine) and ended the active cycles of psychosis.
All of us who have replied to this post have invested huge amounts of time in caring for our loved ones. We know what you are going through in this time of crisis.
TRO, I am so glad you and your husband were able to come to a compromise that involved his participation in treatment.
I can totally see how getting suggestions from others hearing voices could be helpful for your husband, and I’m glad he’s found an ego saving way to benefit.
I am rooting for you both!
So my husband is normal some days and some other days is hearing all the voices and being consumed then now he’s starting to believe that he has kids out there we’ve been married for 6 months and we don’t have any kids and he’s never been married and he doesn’t have any kids but now he says that the voices in his head or telling him that he has two or three kids out there and he can’t wait to see his babies so I’mma still fighting the battle in my head to get a court order to admit him to the hospital but some days when he’s more normal it makes me think that hey maybe I should wait and not do it makes me want to believe that he’s fine but then some other days he is totally not even in reality I want to be talking to him in front of him as loud as it can be and he doesn’t even hear me while he’s having conversations with their voices he hears. Did your husband have more normal days than others
Roya20, my husband has good days and bad days.
Keep in mind that my husband kept it from me (and everyone) that he was hearing voices until the last 1-2 years. It was near the time when he was in crisis that he finally shared the majority of his secret. The voices were nearly driving him out of his mind. There were 7 of them, and rather than hearing 1 at a time as he apparently had in the past, they were all talking nonstop and sometimes talking over each other. Can you imagine? These were bad days that led to hospitalization and a diagnosis of auditory hallucinations together with chronic paranoid schizophrenia.
There were other days that were not so bad. Staying confined inside the house seemed to make things worse, so we began traveling a great deal this year. Getting outside, being occupied and having family around helped. The voices were not so overwhelming then as compared to when he was alone in a quiet house. But I noticed few and fewer normal days, and eventually he was hospitalized.
Medication and counseling has helped his days become more normal. It is what allows him to live a more normal life. The delusions, voices and hallucinations are not completely gone, but they do not control him as they did during his times of crisis. At this moment, he is in our family room watching a movie, asking me some questions every now and then about an investment property, then walking in the laundry room to hang up some of his clothes from the dryer. He may be hearing voices, but they must be manageable. It’s a more normal day. I attribute that to the medication and counseling.
I’m so glad your husband is on medication and participating in counseling! That is wonderful!
Fluctuations like this are normal and do NOT mean that he is OK. If there is any way to get him into treatment, you should do it.
What’s different on the more normal days? How are they more normal? Does he not complain of voices or not talk of delusions? Does he appear to remember them or begin to doubt them?
I’d focus on talking with him when he’s more normal and see if you can get him to say he as a problem and needs treatment. In there any chance he may be drinking or using drugs or encountering more stress or stimulus on his bad days? My brother who has bipolar disorder can sometimes turn on a dime and quickly go from rational to raving on and on about delusions after just a drink or two.