I just need to vent

I get how you feel because I am feeling the same way right now, but I don’t do “vents” because it’s not going to solve my problems and it won’t necessarily make me feel better, it may just lead me to feel more depressed about it. And honestly, what your son is doing is normal. Noticing weight gain is not something that happens overnight, that stays in your mind for day, weeks, etc. time period. It’s not uncommon for someone to suddenly decide they want to make a change of lifestyle and there’s nothing wrong with that. You should encourage him and be happy for him. Ask him if he would like to get a gym membership with you and that way you two can have something to do together. Bread is actually bad for you, so it’s not a bad thing that he cut it off from his system. I haven’t ate bread in like 5 years and my fiancé cut bread off like 3 years ago. And I also go through periods where I’ll suddenly decide to change or do something differently, as long as it’s a positive change you shouldn’t really be worried.

Read the part about foods and dieting if you’re interested on here:

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