I think my boyfriend might have schizophrenia

I have schIzoaffective bipolar type I don’t wanna sound paranoid but my boyfriend gets paranoid that cars just parked near us are sketchy and weird and there for us .he also gets paranoid that a place that we sneak out at is gonna put cameras on purpose to get us even tho he know that that part has no cameras .he also gets paranoid that anyone that looks at him likes him tho sometimes I see that there just looking normally. he thinks that sometimes people are talking about him when it doesn’t include him at all and he has heard things like a beeping sound when it’s very clearly not there he said he’s heard things that made him question if it was real before any drugs to and that he’s always been a paranoid person he says that there was a time he heard a old man make noise but than says he probably convinced himself he heard it multiple times he’s always extremely depressed self medicated with weed and finally got fluoxetine for depression but he’s extremely irritable to and gets mad at me easily but when I bring these things up to him he says I don’t have what you have or anything close cause I have a severe case

Also when I bring up the possibility of him having a psychotic on top of his autism and depression and anxiety he compares his symptoms to mine and says his is less frequent compared to me but I have a severe case of course it’s gonnna be bad I just hate the argument

I say trust your instincts. You know the signs.Good luck!


Sounds like you have enough stress in your own life trying to get things going as well as you can. If you read enough through here you will see smoking weed causes a lot of problems, then mixing that with scripts. Not good. Just make sure you take care of your self. Don’t let him bring you down. Take care. .Hugs and prayers for you both.


Thank you for your post @Sis_Spamzalot . Welcome to this forum. In your last sentence you say he is “extremely irritable and gets mad at you easily” . In my opinion as an old lady who has been through a lot, those are warning signs. It is very very hard to be around someone who gets mad at you easily and is often grumpy without being brought down emotionally by their own bad emotions. Some people NEVER see their own bad emotions. It is especially hard if they can’t see their own bad emotions. I suggest you read on this site to learn how others have handled this type of situation in their lives. Good luck.


Autistic people are five times more likely to be schizophrenic than neurotypical people, so if he’s having symptoms, it would be a good idea for him to be evaluated. That said, you can’t make someone get help.

You do need to take care of yourself. If you feel like he can get dangerous when he’s angry, make a safety plan. Even if he’s not abusive, if you feel like he could become dangerous because of psychosis or paranoia, it’s good to have a plan in place for where you’ll go, what you will do to make sure that you are safe. Make sure all of your important papers are together and accessible if you need to leave in a hurry. Have a safe place or person lined up.