Paranoia schizophrenia

I’m with my bf going on 4yr I thought wen we first met i thought he was just kinda tough w anger issues type guy stuff but over time it became clear he was suffering from severe paranoia … does anyone have any experience with this type of schizophrenia??? He never leaves the house he can’t hold a job because he’s so paranoid that basically ppl r always watching him or just “out to get him” … he always blames everyone elsefor anything that happens it’s never his fault he’s always the victim/martyr … On the defense 24/7. It’sa very self centered almost narcissist thinking … after years I got him to agree to speak to a psychiatrist and she diagnosed him recently w schizoaffective … he’s taken 3 days of meds hoping. It will help him he’s suffering 24/7 I feel so bad for him I can’t imagine what it’s like living like that. Anyone else deal with this paranoia part of schizophrenia? Thank you

Yes, I’m always paranoid that I’m being watched (miniature cameras inside smoke detectors). They actually can do that, with today’s technology. In my case, it’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you. See, I’m plotted against, sometimes, because of mental deficiencies/differences. The thing is that Paranoid Schizophrenics really do get plotted against or surveilled or taken advantage of. That’s part of the reality of the disability/disorder.

But then there’s paranoia that may be false delusion. The key is to separate what really can happen and what obviously cannot happen. If you think that airborne balloons are alien UFOs, well, that can’t happen.

Hopefully the meds will help your bf. Otherwise, try logical reasoning. Separate reality vs. delusions.

My son was able to help himself deal with his severe paranoia after working with a cognitive behavior therapist. as we are told, meds are a part of the solution, therapy is another necessary part of moving forward.

Through CBT, my son developed coping strategies to help him deal with the paranoid delusions. He went to a cognitive behavior therapist initially because he wanted to be able to grocery shop for himself. (He had become concerned that I was poisoning him through his groceries) The therapist didn’t challenge his problem (he wanted to know how to deal with people saying mean things to him in the grocery stores- in other words, his auditory hallucinations) the therapist taught him coping measures using CBT.

After succeeding at grocery shopping he became braver about venturing out and more of his life resumed. He worked as a hired driver and that was quite successful.

Personally, I think it’s best for us to not add more labels to our neurodiverse loved ones. Paranoia comes with enough baggage and can be the well source of many issues.

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Yes you’re absolutely right

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