I’m 42 which means it’s been over 30 years since my mom first showed signs of what, in retrospect, might’ve been schizophrenia. I deeply want closure on this because in ways it’s screwed up my life and my future. I don’t have an outlet, so thank goodness for this forum.
My mom is the best friend someone would feel lucky to have. In every house we’ve lived in since 1985 (her age 52; my age 10) she’s heard “voices from the neighbors” downstairs or next door. She calls them murderers and says they threaten, eavesdrop and repeat back what she says. She’s had poor sleep for decades. During day and night, she used to yell back at them to stop.
Now when I bring up the notion it’s not real, she accuses me of blaming her. I don’t know how to broach this.
I’m looking to compare and contrast symptoms.
I also wish I could have some sort of compassionate angel come and give me what’s been lost from my life. I haven’t been able to move away to start my career. I’ve stayed with her.
It sounds like your mother has some sort of psychotic disorder if she’s still hearing voices. It may be schizophrenia or bipolar or dementia. Here is some reading:
Here are some resources - do you have other family members that can help you. Educate everyone, and keep a journal about your mother’s behaviors and beliefs so that you can share it with the mental health professionals.