This all sounds so similar to my situation and bless you for trying. I am 64 and retired and honestly cant do it anymore. My stepson is sz and 32, he wont admit it, wont get help which we offered many times. I am torn about not wanting to help anymore or keep trying. I cant afford it, nor have the physical and emotional stamina. The last request for money was between our house payment or his smokes. I dont think I’m helping him anymore, he has no respect for me. I am trying to let go, it’s hard. When your young you never imagine yourself in this situation and what a shock. This site has helped so much just knowing you are not alone. I am at the point, I’m taking care of me first, sorry if that offends anyone.
@Love_Hope same here. I joined because all my friends consider me the ‘happy’ one. Good times always… Until my DD break. Whew what a blow. So feeling at the bottom of the barrel I found this group-a group who may not understand my exact tribulations but who can totally emphasize because of their own similar trials. I’m so grateful for a little screen into a big support group where I’m at least heard and somewhat understood
Yes, sigh, empathy is a very good thing to find. Severe mental illness is so tough on everyone involved. I do hope your struggles to find a medication that works for your daughter come to a good point soon. My own daughter had a nice visit with a psychologist today, sees her psychiatrist tomorrow and will get her monthly Haldol depot shot then. It is hard for me to read posts from caregivers whose loved ones are not responding to medication or alternative supplementation very well. I feel very lucky and wish the same for everyone who comes to this site for hope and understanding.
@oldladyblue when this first started my response to people trying to be empathetic was, " everyone is dealing with something, this is just our something", I’m not sure I believed this would be 15 weeks and counting. So settling into the new norm while trying to keep your eye on the hope has had it’s ups and downs. Now, I try not to yearn for the way things were but want her to have the most peaceful possibilities while enduring her “something”. Thank you for your kind words. This little group had calmed my heart.
Yes, @Happee , this little group of caregivers is worth its weight in gold and diamonds. Everyone here has a desire to calm the hearts of those affected by sz. It is like a lifeboat in a sea of unknowns and false realities. I am glad you found the site. A little bit ago, the site was down for a small time. I was sooooo lost when I couldn’t come on here and so happy when I could access it again. I’m glad you are here.