First off, and I know this is difficult, but please don’t think your son is gone forever. I know your concerned for him. With early treatment, and early intervention and therapy many people recover from this and have a better prognosis then the movies and media portray.
Like I tell everyone who is our boat, please educate yourself on what SZ really is.
As far as psychosis; well, that could be many things. Until he’s officially diagnosed all the way, there are still many options to rule out. Plus it’s said that very quick onset has a much better prognosis then slow on set.
As far as what to do? Talk to mental health professionals in your area and know what resources are available to you. Please don’t be like some of my friends parents and never open up leaving their loved one to get worse and suffer more.
The faster you get professional intervention, the more chance your son has of getting out of this.
Please read the diagnosed forum. There are psych majors who have 4.00 grades while battling this illness. There are people who are computer programers and professionals who work and some have their own business while battling this illness.
My own brother lives in his own apartment, has a job with the city parks dist, is back in college while working and he takes his meds, and takes care of himself very well. Is very active, has a girlfriend, has an opportunity to start his own business, and is living a happy life, and is recovering quickly now that his meds are correct.
So learn what you can, talk to people and get as much help as you can.
Most off all, don’t give up hope or think that all is lost and this is the end and your son is gone forever. That is not the case anymore.
I’m sorry your family has to go through this. But the son you love isn’t gone. This is one major detour true, but it’s not the end of the road.
I hope the best for your and your family. There is a lot of information here and many people are happy to help and answer questions.