Please Read - Intro and Guidelines for Family Member / Caregiver Forum

Need advice, please! My brother has schizophrenia and is medicated only with Effexor. He tells me he has not been prescribed any other meds, or even that he has this mental illness. How do I influence him to get help and get on the right medication? Any advice would be appreciated! Also, how do you talk to someone who is suicidal?

Through NAMI, they offer the family to family classes free of charge and you can find about support groups; personally I like this forum best.


Thank you for sharing and having the courage to tell us what works for you, I wish my son would be open to tell us about his experiences of his hallucinations and auditory voices.

May you continue your journey with confidence and persistence doing well on what is been recommended
for you to take.

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Hello. I am a researcher seeking participants for my doctoral dissertation research on parental burnout in parents of children with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder. I have tried contacting the webmaster for permission to post my survey but received an error stating that the e-mail address is incorrect. @hope Would you be able to help me?

@SzAdmin Hi AndyN, I will mark your request for our administrator. We don’t have many parents of children on the forum. NAMI encourages the parents of children with scz spectrum to avoid the forums that include parents of adult children.

This is good to know. Thanks so much @hope !

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Can you please verify if BrainVitaminz is not bankrupt or something?? They have taken my order and did not send me the sarcosine. They don’t have the phone numbers on their website and they are not responding to the emails. Since they do support this forum, I just thought of checking with you.

I contacted them, they’ve had some staff on summer vacation - shipments are due out today.

Oh how I know how you feel I have a 23 year old son who refuses to be med compliant thinks he doesn’t need help his psychotic episodes have worn me down mentally. He is the hospital now well a treatment facility and wants me to let him come home . I know he is not well I know he is fooling the staff there. So I said NO he couldn’t come home he slapped me during an episode and that is why he is in a facility from jail to the facility. It’s been extremely hard for me to say NO but if he isn’t willing to help himself then I can’t help him either. And I can’t live this way anymore. Do the quilt if saying no he can’t come back to my home is tearing me apart.


Do you have any updates on your situation?

Yes sadly he is in jail has been the past 2 months he threatened to kill me in my sleep and texted his friend to help bury me. I. Called the police in my heart my don meant what he said his eyes told me he meant to hurt me. BUT also in my heart it cry’s out that isn’t my son that is his untreated SMI. I will not press charges if they get him serious treatment. The judge is taken this seriously but not as fast as I want them to so he suffers in jail refusing treatment refusing medication and just SUFFERING. My trust is in GOD now . In my heart I know GOD will bring good from these horrible terrifying times for both me and my son. I do not know what WILL happen but I know GOD knows and will surely act on my son’s behalf and mine. Still so very BROKEN. No light at all at the end of the tunnel. But I certainly count on my faith that all will work out. My biggest challenge now is contemplating will I ever have a relationship with my son again. Probably not but if that means he gets better then OK I have to work thru that and honestly I would give my life it meant my sons would be good.

The season of grief seems foreign to me only because my son is not dead. Yet grief is IS exactly what we as people who love our loved bed with serious ment health issues cos the illness and their behavior sets them on a path of hell I grieve for my sins old self I GREIVE for the son before he was sick I greive for our life before he became so ill reality couldn’t touch him . I greive for who or what my son could have become had he not been diagnosed with SCZ. And refused to take medication so he may have had a chance to be what he chooses to be he was a kind loving understanding patient young man he had a lot to offer this world. So it seems my grieving will last till .???
Still seems strange to greive someone who has not left this world per se but I greive anyway. I do not know if he will ever have a good life I greive that too. But I also grieve because AMERICA my county the country FAILED my son and way too many other people. FAILED him me and far to many other people with SMI. The Mental Health Care has FAILED. PERIOD. Yes I’m angry but more so I’m so very broken that the mental health care system is BROKEN. The failure of professionals who deal with mental health issues failed . Why ? LAWS it always comes back to “ well the law says.” So the system chooses to fall apart because it isn’t supported enough . Just my opinion. But I can’t choose to greive my son as if he were dead he is not MY SON is sick really sick and needs professional help and care. My hope is he gets it . And I am doing my best to make sure this happens. It’s like my back is against the wall with so many who don’t want to listen had they listened to me his mother screaming from the highest mountain “ Please help my son even if he doesn’t want it . Laws again . So I sit here confused but I will not stay confused I will seek to advocate every where and that my LORD GOD can and will help me us snyone who advocates for their LO who’s sick.

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Hello @Marci1 , I understand what you are feeling as my daughter was in jail when her meds weren’t working or she refused to take them.

Why don’t you start a new thread as you will probably get more responses from other people on the site by starting a new topic. This thread is intro and guidelines. If you start a new thread you can title it as you wish.

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