It’s hard to stop smoking. Understanding what immediately happens to your body when you stop smoking, however, will help you kick that habit to the curb for good.
The moment you put down your cigarette, your body is already going through positive changes. Just 20 minutes after you quit, your heart rate will return to normal. After two hours, both your heart rate and blood pressure levels will return to normal — and this is when the nicotine begins to fade out of your system.
Your withdrawal symptoms typically begin between two and 12 hours after your last cigarette, and this is, admittedly, the hard part. Nicotine withdrawal will usually reach its peak about three days after you quit, meaning you’ll experience headaches or nausea, as well as crabbiness. However, at this point the carbon monoxide levels in your blood will have dropped back to normal.
I’ve been around smokers all my life - in the army, in AA, and in assisted living for the mentally ill, where I live now. Here I get to see the final results of smoking. So many people here are so sick from cigarettes. One guy my age is dying from them. A lot of the people here have COPD. They say the guy who is dying is known to be on his oxygen and smoking a cigarette at the same time.
well, I’m back at day One. sigh…I am miserable when I smoke and miserable when I don’t smoke. I am weak. Right now I just want to focus on getting more than one day on my belt. Day one is depressing to me.
I smoked for 27 years and every time I tried to quit I put a lot of pressure on myself. Well guess what, I failed every time, and as a result I came to a point where I did not even want to try anymore, that’s how worried I was that my attempts would fail again.
Then some day, my former employer offered a seminar on how to become a non-smoker. The health ensurance paid half of it, and my employer granted us the time to attend this seminar during working hours. I thought to myself, ‘okay, you have nothing to lose, try it, it is a good opportunity - if it works, great, if not, so what’. This time however, I did not pressure myself…
It worked so well, no cravings, no mood swings, and I haven’t smoked since
Don’t give up hope, it is so worth it to live smoke free.