The advertisement at the top of the forum page caught my eye - anybody tried it?
Jeez…not another Sarcosine thread.
Just asking.
I will search for other threads.
Given that it on the forum page, I thought there might be some good feedback on it. I had never heard of it.
Here are some other people’s comments and discussion on Sarcosine:
My son has a big interest in supplements, and if there is one that would assist his current prescribed meds, I would definitely support him taking it.
There actually is quite a bit of scientific evidence that Sarcosine helps people, including two randomized, placebo controlled studies out of Harvard, plus others out of Isreal. Here are some links:
and another study:
And a video on the topic by a UCLA professor / MD:
And a summary of the benefits as seen in this slide:
Thank you for the info. We might give it a try.
Another discussion on this topic that is going on in the Medications/Vitamins forum: