Schizoaffective ok in this forum?

(Excuse the bad english here, I am from Sweden)

I couldn’t find any forums directed specifically to people living with someone suffering from a schizoaffective disorder (or variations thereof).
Is it possible to get some “afterlife” understanding of what I actually went through giving up my whole life to be there for this helpless soul and more importantly what she has been through?

In my country I was never allowed to ask her psychiatrists about her condition without her consent. Since she was always in either a psychotic, schizofrenic, manic or violent state that obviously never happened.
Shouldn’t someone in that state be considered a child, so the person living with her gets to talk to the professionals to more fully understand how I in everyday life can help her in her enormously different states and also how I could have handled myself not to break down (because I almost felt I got half of her delusions in the end because of sleep depravation, I was too scared to fall asleep until she did, and she never did)

Two years later after she got better and chose to continue life on her own I still have nightmares and anxiety-attacks, but thankfully she got the right kind of medication in the end that did not turn her into a wastebasket. She is almost a “normally” happy young woman, like out of a bubble and I am so greatful that she has come to that place, even though I know this disorder can’t be cured.
But I never got any help through this because I still do not understand what SHE goes and has gone through and I don’t want to bring her back to that by trying to ask her. I know that would just harm her.
Why cant close ones get help during these long months the treatments go on as well?

@ChrisBergren, yes schizoaffective disorder (often abbreviated SZA here) is an “approved” subject here. I was diagnosed with SZA about 30 years ago, I recovered and help care for my brother with bipolar disorder. I often attempt to explain functions of the disease here from a ‘lived’ perspective.

The situation with health records and legal guardianship is similar in the States with added complications of variances of laws and quality of healthcare from state to state, so many here will have similar experiences to share. Sounds like you may benefit from psychotherapy and counseling. In the US out of necessity we also have NAMI which is a support organization for caregivers. There may be a similar organization in Sweden.

Good luck, you are in the right place.


Yes, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome here. You may want to take some time scrolling through and reading previous topics and posts. A ton of great information, resources and perspectives are shared here.

Thank you for your replies, it means a lot to have a quiet place
where given a chance to read and learn from other’s experiences. I think this will be a good start to begin to understand
Love /Christopher :sparkling_heart:


You seems to intuitively have made correct choices for her. No, I would not bring up her past to her. My daughter doesn’t even remember most of her ill years. I think there is some protection in not remembering.

This forum is a great place to read and learn. I am glad you found it. It has been a real lifeline for me.

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