Spouse won't sign tax return, or file her own tax return

I just keep coming back to this one again and again… I’m trying not think the worst, but I do get paranoid myself and when I see a post like this…

I have tried for many hours not to post. Because I KNOW it’s not pretty. But my lack of filter is taking over and I can resist no more… very sorry, but for a paranoid person like me… AS some one who has been professionally diagnosed and battled this illness for 13+ years… this post scares me.


No question of “how do I lovingly help my suffering wife?” or “how do I know she’s Sz and not bipolar or having an Anxiety disorder, or suffering depression or any other condition that can cause long term anxiety and panic?” There are other things that cause distrust and anxiety.

Why go right to “paranoid SZ” (top of the charts in mental illness) and “mentally incompetent…” Wow, as someone who is battling this illness in a big way, even I’m not seen as mentally incompetent, worthy of being hospitalized against my will. That is a very serious and huge thing to say given the one small incident you mention.

I’m sorry to offend, but I’m getting Alfred Hitchcock shivers. I’m sure I’m very wrong and I hope your wife gets the help she needs in a loving and supportive way.