My husband and I were together for 5 years before getting married. We have been married for 9 years now. We have had all the problems of a normal young couple with children on minimum wage jobs. Then 3 yrs ago, my husband had heart surgery. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia years ago. He is now unable to work but fighting disability for 3 yrs now. I work and go to school & haven’t always been the best spouse because I don’t know how or what to do always. My husband moved out about 2 weeks ago & says he can’t take it anymore. He tells me that he loves me but isn’t in love with me.then tonite he tells me that he is so pissed at me for not understanding him all these yrs. he goes on and off his meds. He would like to find a good dr for his condition and some friends with similar feelings. I truly believe my marriage vows but am wondering what can help our marriage.
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Welcome to the forum Loretta.
Maybe one of these links will help you and your husband to find a doctor that he will like.
Psychiatric Treatment Centers affiliated with Medical Schools in the USA
This link may help you find a psychiatrist in your area
Good luck to both of you~