I have posted on here before seeking advice when things were going very badly and everyone was very supportive and helpful not only in sharing their stories but listening to mine.
Things are much better now, so much better that this episodes and outbursts seemed like a nightmare that has nearly been forgotten.
My brother was diagnosed about 1 year ago after a suicide attempt. He was hospitalized addicted to marijuana and very paranoid and scared. It had gotten to a point where we admitted him to a rehab facility but he was too angry and didn’t consent to stay there. We were at the end of our ropes but even though he only stayed 5 days in rehab it served as a wake up call for him.
He stopped smoking marijuana and I would attribute this as the single most important factor in his recovery.
It has been 4 months since any sign of his illness, he is back to his regular self and has a job lined up for the whole summer. He is going to the gym 3-4 times a week, he is polite and has no trouble socializing.
I know this is not a cure and there is always a risk things take a turn for the worse, I just wanted to give a message of hope to all the family members, it took him reaching his darkest moment to turn around and things can get better.