My 22 yr old son lives with me and he was diagnosed with Sz the summer after he graduated high school when he was hospitalized involuntarily for 10 days. At first he responded so well to his medicine I thought they must have mis-diagnosed him. He went down hill again last August and hardly left his room. He got very depressed and his psychosis increased and he had to be hospitalized again. He is now diagnosed with sca. They switched his medicine to Latuda which helped his depression, but did nothing for his psychosis. His communication was very delayed, and he barely spoke. He had the stare and mask face. He also had that compulsive laughter for no apparent reason. I asked him about it and he said he was in a room hanging out with people and they were entertaining him.
About a month ago I found this site. This is my first time posting here or on any forum. I have learned so much from all the posts I’ve read and appreciate the advice that’s given. I too have missed my son terribly even though I see him everyday.
About the same time my son’s doctor recommended changing his AP again from Latuda to Clozapine. He said it is the Gold Standard of AP, and he wouldn’t be doing his job if he didn’t recommend it. At first I was fearful of the weekly blood draws, potential side effects and my son didn’t want to switch.
However, based on recommendations from people on this site I did my research and read the book Meaningful Recovery From Sz and Serious Mental Illness with Clozapine. Also Surviving Schizophrenia and Dr. Amador’s book I’m not sick…
After that we decided it was worth a try. His quality of life was so poor, and I didn’t want to give up on him if there was a chance he could be better. He has also been taking Lithium for mania and it is known to increase the Neutrophil counts in wbc. He had to have an EKG and baseline wbc level tested before he could start. His level was 7,000 and they should be at least at 1500. This was good news.
He has now been on Clozapine for 12 days. Everyone responds differently, but we saw an immediate improvement. I’ve been reluctant to talk about how well he is doing because it is early…however the improvement is remarkable enough I thought I should share our experience with Clozapine in case anyone is on the fence the way I was.
Here’s a list of changes in him so far:
-Driving again
-Has gone to see his dad and grandparents every day
-Makes his bed and straightens his room when he wakes up
-Did his laundry and washed his bedding
-Initiates conversations
-Responds to questions without delay
-Talks about reaching out to his old friends again
-Went to a restaurant with me for lunch today
-Ran an errand for me today
-Visited my grandmother with me at assisted living
-Asks for his medicine and says it makes him feel better than the others did. Told me he feels like the paths around him have been cleared and his thoughts aren’t blocked anymore.
-Sleeps through the night
-Cares about his appearance
-Acts like himself again 
Fortunately his doctor is very experienced with Clozapine. He has many patients who are taking it that either work or are in school. He registered my son in the REMS Program which tracks his weekly blood draw and is sent to the pharmacy. They review his levels first and if good delivers a one week supply of Clozapine every Friday.
He started at 12.5 mg and it has increased every few days to 200 mg the last couple of nights. I also give him Vitamin D, B Complex, Magnesium and Omega 3 Fish Oil daily. He requests his medicine by 7pm and he admits it knocks him out. He says if he wakes up in the middle of the night he falls back to sleep before he rolls over from one side to the other lol. He woke up at 7:30am today, and we enjoyed a nice day together