Don't think I can take anymore

I don’t think I can take it anymore , I use to be a happy bubbly person waking up to an angry person every day is taking its toll on me. There is no happiness anymore. I wake up smile because the man I love is next to me, I roll over and he is looking at me with hate in his eyes, it feels horrible. I’m at work and he will message me how much he misses me, how he can’t wait till I come home and I get home and he ignores me. No kiss or cuddle, he just says I’m watching TV. If I bring something up he just gets angry. I never know what is going to set off his disapproval , It could be anything I say or do. I’ve never had argumentative relationship s, but he says I like to argue. I just feel like I’m turning into a bad person. I love this man so much but doubt my strength in dealing with his schizophrenia. I’m unhappy. I don’t want to leave him but I fear I will have to to find my strength and happiness again. Also my children miss out on so much of me because of mine and his need to be focused on each other. I wish there was some magic that would make this all disappear.
I would like to add that he refuses to let me have anything to do with the doctors or treatment. I feel like I’m in this alone.
Psychological, he won’t give up marijuana either