Hello, my husband was diagnosed about 18yrs ago. About 3 months ago he had a relapse.
I always knew it was possible/likely to happen but didn’t really expect our whole world to be turned upside down. He was inpatient for a couple of days then decided to do outpatient, which was very helpful to him.
He is thinking just because the Dr’s said he was ready to return to work and making great process that he will be back to where he was before the break.
Over the last month he has tried to go back to work, which has been difficult and very painful. He has been drinking more over the last month to try and mask the pain. I have given my whole heart and life to this man and it frustrates me that he cannot see the drinking is not helping, in fact is just putting a band aid over a wound.
In my frustration I know that I say things that are upsetting to him, but it’s a lot of stuff that I have been holding in for a while not wanting to upset him. I simply cannot hold all this in anymore and this morning had a discussion with him about it.
As expected it did not go well and he felt like I was just telling him he was a drunk. Just the opposite I was just trying to tell him that this may be part of the link to get him back. Over the last couple months he has been doing this laying bed thing, “it’s safe here”.
After I poured my heart out this morning that was exactly where he wanted to stay for the day. I am thankful that I was able to get him up and out of bed even if it was for a couple minutes, something that he learned in outpatient- do something for 5 minutes. I explained to him this morning that he is my rock just as much as I am his and if I can’t be honest with him and tell him truly what is on my mind who can I? I know that I am rambling a bit but I have never felt more alone at times and have never felt like I had no one to talk to.
There are only a handful of our friends that really know what is going on with him and for some reason I don’t want to bother them because I want to leave them for his support, thinking that he needs them more than I do…I know that I am good at picking the best time to discuss things with him and probably wait too long in between talks and pour a ton of stuff on his plate, not helping either of us.
I guess in this super long rant I just wanted to say that I feel great that this forum exists and that I could maybe get a few suggestions.