We don’t have a crisis team where we live. Our sheriff’s office has one officer trained in crisis intervention. We had him on one visit, he was great, the other call we got the SWAT team when we asked for the CIT officer. We haven’t called back since.
The sheriff’s office called me at 1:16am this morning, to ask me to ask my son to stop calling 911.
Over the phone, the officer took down the details and relayed some of what my son had been saying. No threats to anyone, my son just wanted them to do something to stop us from abusing him. The officer asked if my son was on meds. I told him that he refused to take meds. I also told him about the last visit when I had promised the officer in charge of the SWAT team that I would apply to the county judge for court ordered meds.
I relayed how that previous officer had called me back the next day to share his experiences with court ordered meds and to strongly suggest we NOT apply to the court. He said that in a case like our son’s it would only escalate with each encounter and end tragically.
I concluded with last night’s officer saying “he said court ordered meds don’t work”. The officer last night gave a very deep sigh and said “No ma’am, they do not.”
Easy to understand his response, they don’t want to get into a situation where they have to drag my son out of his home. Jeb’s not threatening anyone, he’s not threatening himself, he’s doing all of the things he needs to do to avoid us having grounds to do anything. hereandhere sent me the link to the laws of the states, I read them carefully as they had changed since the last time I read them. He still does not meet the requirements of the state we live in. Not even close.
I asked him (since I had him on the phone and my attempts to get local information have been less than satisfying) what would happen if I managed to get Jeb to go with me last night to the one hospital we have in our county. He said that if my son went there willingly, he would sit there and wait for the local county program folk to show up later the same day or the next day. He stressed that my son could leave at any time.
Jeb wouldn’t pick up his phone last night, he finally replied to my texting. I used the Amador stuff and went a little off subject and suggested that maybe he was having a panic attack and needed to go to the ER. I did offer to take him. He said he would continue to report us to the authorities until we stopped abusing him.
And I did as the sheriff asked and relayed their request that he stop calling 911.