See, this lack of help from any established organizations is part of what probably drove her over the edge in the first place. There is no support out there. Like no one gives a crap about anything but themselves.
Best advice I can offer, for the time being, is have her sit down and write a book about all of her ideas to publish to Kindle on Amazon. If you can afford to copyright…even better.
If you can encourage her to at least try and ‘save the world’ in that manner the process of writing will goad her into being more critical about what she’s going to say thus inspiring her to think a bit further to realize that although not all of her ideas are crazy they are much more complicated than what she’s assuming right now.
I mean, if we do all share experiences telepathically, the effort may help her channel clearer insight while writing.
I would point out to her that she isn’t the only one to break the fourth wall and many have come before her and many are here now - Like maybe retrieve some Twilight Zone episodes from YouTube to show her how old many of the discoveries, she thinks are new, really are.
Her schizophrenia symptoms are very mild while she is sober. She went 6 weeks sober and I observed the change. However, she refused to admit that she had any issue with alcohol and threw herself into 'There’s nothing wrong with me seminars and the ‘Book of Miracles’ stuff. She was firmly committed that she could heel herself and that there is a spiritual solution to every problem. She lasted 6 weeks before she went out and would never admit that she should not drink. Part of the issue is on main focal part of her spirituality is the ‘I am’ aspect. The concept that anything that you say after I am would become an reality. So you cannot say any thing negative after the words ‘I AM’ because you are invoking the source creator. I did write her a long letter telling her that I had no problem saying 'I AM an Alcoholic" when I started AA and now I have no problem saying ‘I AM a Recovered Alcoholic’ because I never thought that as a negative any more that saying ‘I AM Allergic to Shell fish’.
She just called and she is going to be released and she wants me to pick her up. She actually said for the first time that she cannot drink and that she wants to go to an AA meeting. I told her that I will take her tonight but I can’t come and get her until I can feel comfortable leaving early with my boss and job. She was very positive and was focusing on how many bad things have happen while she is in that state and she needs to change and She said she made a deal with God and she will not break it. Being in AA myself and having spondees, I have heard that promise many time the next day after an arrest. But it is a step. I told her to sit down and write her promise and her insights now while she is waiting for me to pick her up. I will make it clear to her that she cannot stay with me any longer if she drinks again. Since this is the first time that she admitting she has a problem, wanting to going to AA, I will fully support her. More to come…
Not a good move. Call the police and have her taken to the ER. Print this up and drop at the ER. You can get a restraining order against her. I would not let her in at this point. As for your computer-you will have to tell your company what happened.
Do they have mental health court in your area?
I think you have to make a decision based on the facts and also you have to see what works for you .You have to talk to the health officials in your area, OR NAMI and county assistance and see what approach is the best and what will help to take care of her problems. From what I have read she needs help. Good luck!
Thanks fro everyone’s support. I brought her back after her commitment to stop drinking. That was on 8/8/2014. She is a much better now and she does not have any symptoms that I can see of Schizophrenia. She only has gone to two AA meetings but she has met people there she has known in her past at both meetings. I do encourage her to get names and numbers and develop her support group. But she contents that she is way beyond AA and many of the people are stuck in the past which she has resolved by ‘healing herself’. We were unfortunate that at the first meeting they had a poor speaker that spent to much time in a drunk-a-log. She has closed her ears to anything AA has to offer and refuses to lower herself to read any of the books because she can teach them.
She will not say she every had any problems, or that anything she did anything that could have hurt anyone while she was drinking, or say she is an Alcoholic. It’s her interpretation of the ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ (you are all perfect), Plus ‘I AM’ spiritualism which she interprets as any word that you say after ‘I AM’ will be come true. Combined that with the preaching of the Reverend Michael Beckwith then she cannot ever think she ever had anything wrong with her (it’s all the negative EGO’s)… Its that belief that Truth can only be love, therefore if anyone saids anything that is not praise to you, then it is not Truth/love and what they say is coming form the their negative ego. (This is ridiculous, self-centerness to me I must admit, to me Truth is neither Love or Hate, it is just Truth… that’s the Taoist in me)
She does count the days that she had her last drink and says that ‘it’ had served her but that service is no longer need any longer.
I can only hope for the best for her, I have sponsored some in the past and Step one is important. Many of her beliefs I share also but she has interpreting them in a totally self-centered way. (She is not alone in this, all believe systems can have misinterpretations). After a long speech praising herself and how she has totally cured herself, I asked her about the others that loved her and how she is going to things right with them. To that she said that she is the truth and the love and she never hurt anyone. I decided to just let it go. People can get sober through the spiritual path alone, but she has tried it before for six weeks and has started again. I will admit she has improved this time in that she stopped referring to herself as ‘We’ instead of ‘i’. So we shall see.
Perhaps get her a copy of Ayn Rand’s "Anthem."
Or Zero Theorem (although that took Solipsism in a comical manner.)
Individuality is a good thing. Life would be horrendous if only a bunch of me’s.
Or, as I’ve illustrated above ^ Get her interested in philosophical boards on the internet.
In a nutshell she has been hurt, questioned life and is now scrambling in hopes to find a kind, logical and
practical meaning.
She’s probably avoiding Christianity because of the witchcraft/dogma portion that Gemini spits out is rather offensive.
I’m currently running pretty well on melding (what I thought was) two old friends in my head (Trinity? shrugs ) and I’ve been full blast with energy again. But it’s also the beginning of spring here, had my first good and full sleep in one month and have also taken my first Risperdal since I went off them six months ago.
Ambiguous solution, I know, but it was either one or all together that perked me up again.
BTW - There might be something in the alchohol that is helping a little but she needs to be weened to only having very few each week. I use cigarettes. Marijuana is the least addictive solution but…