He started punching and throwing things. I had to get my kids out. I dont want to ruin his life, but I cant be in the same house anymore. Everyone is telling me to get a protective order, but what would that really do? I dont know what to do anymore.
I am so sorry for your situation and indecision. Violence is never acceptable, so you did the right thing by leaving. It may be the correct thing to do to get a protective order. I’ve had to do it two times in the past. One, it documents the situation which may become important in the future. Two, it keeps you and your children safer and lets the police know what to do if you are threatened in days or years ahead and have to call them. It is VERY hard to make yourself enforce the rules and the law on someone you are used to supporting, but punching and throwing things could occur again, or even worse behavior. Good luck. Take care of your own needs and those of your children.
I agree with @oldladyblue There are situations that really need to be viewed and treated as domestic abuse situations. Maybe if you can try to see the situation without the schizophrenia clouding the picture it would help your decision making? I am so sorry.
When you have children they have to come first. If he is punching and it is due to his illness, he has become a threat to himself and others and he needs to be hospitalized. Whereabouts in the world are you? If you are in the US, which state are you? This will influence what the next steps would be.
I’m sorry you’re going through this. You have an obligation to keep your children safe and you need to take every step available to ensure this. You don’t want to ruin his life? He’s ruining yours and your children’s.