Wow, that’s awful, it sounds like these people you are dealing with are a little incompetent, ignorant and not doing their jobs correctly. You’re right, the world can be a cold, lonely place. Solitary confinement is the worst thing you can do to someone who has schizophrenia. I think putting your brother in solitary confinement is 100% cruel and unusual punishment which is prohibited by law.
In my neck of the woods here in California we have the Mental Health Advocadsy (sorry. spelling) Anyway, it’s a legal organization that has lawyers who will work for free for people who have mental health issues. They take on cases like tenant-landlord disputes, discrimination issues, work related cases, etc and many more legal problems that a mentally ill person might have. And it’s all free. I suggest that you look in your area for something similar.
As to your last question I don’t know if that is directed at caregivers or us people with a mental illness. I have had paranoid schizophrenia for 30 years. In the beginning it was horrible and frightening, and it was like torture. For two years I suffered mercisilly. My case was severe and when I was 19 I was put in a house specifically for people who had schizophrenia. It was a nightmare and I had no sign that I would ever get better. As far as I knew, this was how the rest of life would be.
After this house I spent 8 months locked up in a psychiatric hospital. Lots of suffering again. Incredibly bad, horrible symptoms with no relief. I’ll make this shorter and not go into every detail. But after the hospital, my parents arranged for me to live in a very nice group home. After a series of small steps I became employed. I ended up working there for four years. During this time I moved into a supported housing living situation, I got a car, I enrolled myself in college, I had a couple of friends, I dated a little.
Well, I ended up working almost steadily since I got that first job at different jobs. I need only four more classes for my AA degree. After a two year stint as a park ranger and working at quite a few department stores, I have now been at my janitor job for 5 years. I just got a 2012 Volkswagon Jetta.
I am struggling greatly now at this current time but to answer your question, (and II still don’t know if you were asking caregivers or us disabled), yes, we do get better, we can live productive semi-happy lives. I came from the deepest, darkest depths of mental illness. But I survived. And I’ve done more than survived, I’ve had many great life experiences and I have many great memories of things I’ve done and people I’ve met. Well, my story may be moot to you but hopefully you can get something out of it.