NEED HELP for my daughter and my sanity!

Also, has he been diagnosed with anything yet? There are doctors that actually do a whole phyc evaluation work up. So docs, do one but it’s a short one. There are others ones that do a full work up complete with tests and all. It takes a few hours. Also, if school is a problem ( due to hospital stays… Ect) ask your sons guidance office about a 405 plan. It is a federal plan, for students with issues. It falls under the special ed category but it’s not special ed . Before my daughters issues she was high honor roll, national honor society, ect. But because she has missed so much school, and school causes her a lot of anxiety, the teachers work with her more, and the school works with her. Like for example my daughter has a hard time getting up because if her meds, she now has late arrival, longer times for tests, homework, class work, she also has a pass that if she needs to just get up and get out of class for a little, she can, no questions asked. It also carries over to college because it’s federal. Is he on meds as of yet?

Being a caretaker for a mentally ill person can be extraordinarily demanding. You have my full sympathy. Keep working with the med’s. Maybe they’ll find something that works for her. If she doesn’t come around maybe you could put her in a group home. There are some good aspects to that.

Thank you. It is extremly hard and very time consuming. The worse part is, that it is not definate there will be light at the end of this long tunnel. I hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

I can tell you that meds can make a person near 100%
I’ve started schizophrenia (shall we just call it that ? it encompasses all the others really) age 17.
I spent a total of about a year and a half in acute wards, and psychotic another yr and a half

I’m 40. I’m a playwright, married, only overweight (recently obese but quit sugar)

my husband works in the railway… etc. i have a happy, sane enjoyable fulfilling life

I’m just using myself as an example of a success story

my sister was schizophrenic and never found the right treatment , was floridly psychotic for 14 years, and etc anyway

I’m trying to say, meds can be a real life in society. although with this list of illness, to be fair, that might be limited. what i mean is I can’t hold down a full time job but i’ve made a life. I won’t have kids but i’ve made a life.

trying to show you that it’s up to you to get her well,(i mean via medicaid etc doctors) but it’s not your responsibility (fault) when they let her out again, it’s the system’s

on here trying to get help for my good friend and her mother is complicit with her being non compliant.

Be like my mum, do EVERYTHING for her and she stands a chance. Be prepared for your son to, lose out psychologically, my youngest sister is now alcoholic. (growing up with 2 close in age schizophrenic sisters)

i know you are doing everything. I’m sorry for you that this is happening. But it’s her. it’s just her. she will with the right medication (a lifetime struggle for some) I’m on antidepressants - psychosis does go hand in hand with some quite substantial mania and quite substantial depression every time with Schizophrnia.

I’m sure i’m not telling you anything new but don’t give up hope…

Becoming spiritual really helped me with my own problems with this. You should consider taking her to church and buying her prayer books, that sort of thing. It might help her deal with it.

Some people would consider it a sign of my “condition” worsening, but I’m doing a lot better now that I’ve come to the conclusion there is a spiritual side to this and that I was actually experiencing what some would call oppression by spirits. Once I realized that I felt like I started thinking a lot clearer about things and no one in my family is that worried about my mental health now. I am stable. I’m not perfect but I am doing a lot better than when I was a teenager.

are you trying to get people killed Daimon?
stop hijacking threads

What are you talking about, clouddog? what I am saying is harmless. I would just consider addressing it spiritually too.

I don’t want to enter into this consider me signing off this hijack,
you are a troll

you’re the one trolling. over and out.

Thank you for sharing. It’s a constant battle with doctors, hospitals and meds. Every time she is manic, it seems to be getting worse. I do not want to give up on her, or lock her away, as some people suggested, because on her good days, she’s back to “normal” whatever normal is at this point. But I’m afraid I will hinder her, because I’m afraid to let go…moving out, college ect. I’m afraid there will be that one time, no one is there to save her, and she will be gone forever. She had a few failed suicide attempts. So I’m not too sure what is right at this point. It’s sad because we were looking at school and planning her future, now were looking at hospitals and where she should go next.

The PACT program is good. I was in it. They give you weekly therapy, and the therapist will even go out to coffee with their clients to get to know them. They have a lot of resources.

forget her future she is at risk now - get her into a hospital if you can

I’m stressing it because it is a good way to stabilise onto meds that is the only reason they are there - to get people stable - you would be lucky to get a bed it has saved my life
please don’t be so scared by the idea i am dealing with my best friend at the moment whose mother doesn’t want her to go to hospital
the mother can be the one to save the life of their child by getting them into hospital it is not for nothing schizophrenia is the definition of risk to self and others, the way i see it

I’m sorry i know it’s sad, she’s the same person

Yeah, in mental institutes all they do is give meds pretty much - you speak to a psychiatrist for like 2 minutes every week who goes from patient to patient in the mental hospital in a big hurry… Many have no therapy and pretty much all you do is smoke and eat. If it can be handled outpatient I would shoot for that.

I actually thought of treating it like a “gift” at first. Because when she was younger, (around 3) she use to talk to people that passed. Like my grandfather who passed when she was 1. But eventually after a few years, we never really heard her do it anymore. I asked her now, what was the difference when you use to speak to Great Grandpa then what you see now, and she said she use to see actual people, now she sees deformed people, and these people she doesn’t know. They are always asking for help and she doesn’t know how to help them. But they also tell her bad things, like to hurt me, or hurt herself, or that people are talking about her, things like that. I have a girl at work that is very religious, and she belongs to a support team that goes to homes and blesses people. At this point, I will try anything, it can’t hurt, and if things stay the same, I didn’t lose anything.

In mental institutions they stabilise people onto medication.
Some people aren’t guaranteed to find the right medication without hospital.
some people need a gentle reassurance by a totally respected qualified member of staff, really helping by saying here try these meds… no one but a psychiatrist especially one in hospital is better at getting people to take meds

therapy has nothing to do with it, therapy is a focus for people who are well - they can help in the same way as a really good life coach with bells on
There are a lot of optional activities in hospital, and some people who are not very ill would call it boring because all they can do is smoke, if you are ill there is plenty to do in a hospital

because your mind is a playground

In mental institutions they stabilise people onto medication.
Some people aren’t guaranteed to find the right medication without hospital.
some people need a gentle reassurance by a totally respected qualified member of staff, really helping by saying here try these meds… and then if those meds fail, trying something else no one but a psychiatrist especially one in hospital is better at getting people to take meds

therapy has nothing to do with it, therapy is a focus for people who are well - they can help in the same way as a really good life coach with bells on
There are a lot of optional activities in hospital, and some people who are not very ill would call it boring because all they can do is smoke, if you are ill there is plenty to do in a hospital

because your mind is a playground

home treatment is largely ineffectual
they cannot monitor the person 24 hrs a day to keep them safe on a day to day hour to hour basis where a suicidal young woman would probably be at her most safe

That’s really all these hospital trips have really been is to “stabilize” her, and send her on her way once she is stabilized. But she is never complete honest as too how she is feeling and if her meds are working. I’m not even sure if she knows how she should feel on the “right” meds. She’s been on several different meds, all of them she still saw or heard things, but she was able to tolerate it until something sets her off and then she loses it. Is there a perfect med that will take it all away that she has not found yet?