It is not for me to say. I could never cope myself. I know for a fact that I would have liked to have had that option. My illness is such that I become psychotic after 2 months of intensive work, or after a year and a half of pressurised BSC hons course
My husband, i’d love to trick him into it now to be honest having been stable and happy for so long.
Schizophrneia is not really something any of us saw coming
It is a hell of a curve ball
some schizophrenics have children, they tend to be more in and out of hospital for their entire lives. I gave up smoking, gave up sugar, usually run or cycle or swim, i’m a playwright. I’ve done a lot of odd college courses and jobs to varying degrees
I am always afraid that she will pass this on to her kids, or just to be off the meds a certain time, and her whole pregnancy, that it will not be good. Not to mention the stress of a newborn. I’m just not sure how it will work, and how I should start the talk with her to prepare her that it may not ever happen or be a good idea.
10% chance if it is just one parent with the condition. I personally don’t consider that bad odds. If she can find someone with good genes it might be worth the risk.
Yes, she use to care about the way she looked and dressed and now she will go days without showering and just wear bummy looking clothes, because at this point nothing fits. She’s just not motivated for anything.
Exercise definitely helps with this situation. I went through a phase where I totally let myself go and would eat garbage food, but then I got into walking and weight lifting and turned things around.
I know she wants to do boxing, but money is going to be tight, so I don’t know if that’s going to happen. She pays for a gym membership, but hasn’t gone cause she’s always tired.
Well she does want to go for walks, but it’s freezing here and covered in snow. But I try to even get her to do workout videos with me that I do every night, and she participated for a little but then just sat there like a speed bump .
You should delete that message and send her your email address in a private message if you want her to have it. Publicly posting your email address is just asking for trouble.
This is beyond stressful for you and your family. You are not alone. I’m sure someone’s mentioned this…get in touch with your local NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) affiliate. They are a wonderful support and resource. They offer so much. People who have not walked in your shoes cannot understand what you are going through. You are doing what you can for your daughter. peace to you.
I have often thought these same things about me and my son who has just turned 22. Bring a picture of your daughter as a child and show it to these people so that they have a connection with before the illness.