NEED HELP for my daughter and my sanity!

I hope you’ve gotten in touch with your local NAMI organization. They offer a lot of important information

I feel I am reading my own thoughts although it’s my son who is ill. I once thought I could make everything better with one kiss on the hurt…I feel your pain.

My son is schizoaffective. I know what you are going through and believe me it is a difficult road. You may want to try getting Medicaid as someone suggested? Is she on disability? Also look into ACT Assertive Community Teams you may get the help you need. Right now my son’s meds have been changed and he still has symptoms. Try to get some support where you live go to support groups, call your Mental Health Department. Just talking to others in the same situation helps.

I hope this helps. And yes the Mental Health System in the USA stinks because of the funding cuts.

I can completely relate to you. I, too, am a mother whose daughter is hospitalized now and the family meeting was just for the doctors to see if and when she can go back home with me. Uh…no. I told them I am the weakest link in her life. She has exhausted every resource I’ve given her including nearly her own life. I am not willing to go through that nightmare all over again. I understand when you say you feel like the only one screaming at the professionals to do something. It’s beyond frustrating that I have to prove to them over and over that she needs ongoing care to manage her life. Left to her own devices she will run it into the ground (and take me down with her). Fortunately, I have support, but finding my own voice and making it louder and stronger for my daughter’s best interest is a new exercise of pushing harder. It is exhausting at every level. Thank you again for sharing. Your post was the first one I’ve read as I’m new to the site. Have a good day.

You need to get her on disability and then Medicaid and medicare will follow. The medical bills will pile up with time and you may not be there in the future to pay the insurance. This is just a suggestion. And you don’t need anyone’s help to get her disability go to the Social Security Office in your city. You can do it. I hope this helps.