Now I'm sad

Fear and ignorance. Those two have been around for a long time…

The media… that hasn’t done us any favors… I’m beginning to think that the media likes to only show the psychotic breaks. I want to see a movie or read a book where the person is in Negative symptom… the poor fictional person wouldn’t hurt anyone. But that part isn’t glamorous.

It really scares me that a social worker had this attitude. The men in my family are more prone to violence when we’re drunk then when we’re mentally ill. Seriously… my Dad, My Uncles, my male cousins, my brothers and I… all raised to be gentlemen. But we are NOT nice when we are drunk. This family can not handle it’s alcohol well.
I’ve been sober for 6 years… My Dad and Uncles… much longer then that. A belligerent drunk is more dangerous to others then I could ever be.

I am so very sorry your Social worker friend doesn’t know better. The one person who should too… Good luck and keep educating those around you as you can.