Psychology Today - The (Only) 5 Fears We All Share

When we know where they really come from, we can start to control them.
Published on March 22, 2012 by Karl Albrecht, Ph.D. in BrainSnacks

President Franklin Roosevelt famously asserted, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”
I think he was right: Fear of fear probably causes more problems in our lives than fear itself.

That claim needs a bit of explaining, I know.

Fear has gotten a bad rap among most human beings. And it’s not nearly as complicated as we try to make it. A simple and useful definition of fear is: An anxious feeling, caused by our anticipation
of some imagined event or experience.

Medical experts tell us that the anxious feeling we get when we’re afraid is a standardized biological reaction. It’s pretty much the same set of body signals, whether we’re afraid of getting bitten by a dog, getting turned down for a date, or getting our taxes audited.

Fear, like all other emotions, is basically information. It offers us knowledge and understanding—if we choose to accept it—of our psychobiological status.

The older I get, I can see that all the things I thought were emergencies, really werent. I have overreacted to so much in my life..sometimes warranted-others, not needed. I can also see that fear I experience now is LEARNED. Even my body is stuck in a fear-mode. I keep thinking that I should know better or, Im old enough to be past this. PTSD!
Really, it took a life time to see this. Hope I can unlearn this in a much shorter time.**

sadness is like this too. so many people get depressed, and 70% of the time can identify the reason they are sad. chronic sadness isnt depression, it feels the same but technically chronic sadness is telling your body somethings not right in your environment. if your husband bests you and your always sad, its not a chemical imbalance. if you just got cancer and have a month to live, your sad for a real reason