****Question**** Are the drugs doing the talking?

Balance. I’m getting there…

I used sarcasm when a person close to me tried their hand at emotional blackmailing me…(but I always ended up the C***.) It was an awful experience to go through, but it ended up backfiring on that person.

Sorry, I should have explained it was just a bad reaction from my past- not about you personally, it was your response that made me think of it.

i dont really know the situation but what i do know about giving people money is that money given is never respected compared to money earned.

one time i gave a low income family of a girl i was friends with 500 bucks cuz she told me her mom didn’t have enough for rent. I never saw a penny back. although i didnt expect it either. I evaluated the spending habits. and a lot of it goes to junkfood or smokes or pot or whatever.

I wish the best and hope you figure things out

*Thank all of you for responding-I really do come here when everyone and everything is floundering.
Im afraid my son will never be able to work at a "regular" job. @notmoses was not the first one in telling me this, and if this were not my son, I would know exactly what to do.. We are going on with the house process. once this goes through, he will have more money per week-so the $40 will stop. But he will always need some financial help-he doesnt get enough to survive on.
Im afraid he will always have issues with addiction and mental health--I cant fix that, but we want to make sure he is in the right place, and has enough to help himself.
There really is nothing else to bail out.
Bad behavior is going to have to go–it can get pretty toxic for me at times.
When you are in the streets-all you can do is fight for survival. I hope he will have what he needs to THINK!
All of you have helped so much.
In the word of Melanie Beattie::
" you cant worry about hurting someone elses feelings when you are trying to set boundaries-it`s impossible"

Oh yes! She will own this house, and he will be paying rent right away through his payee!