Seeking family caregiver support resources / support group online

my little brother who suffers from schizophrenia is experiencing a relapse .

our family is seeking a way to connect with professional led support group/ (any helpful resources) for family members and caregivers of those who suffer with schizophrenia and the myriad of other diagnoses that logically intertwine for a sufferer of this complex disease
(i.e. anxiety, major depression)…

we would so appreciate any suggestions/ resources to connect with a virtual style professionally led support session

thank you


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my little brother who suffers from schizophrenia is experiencing a relapse .

our family is seeking a way to connect with professional led support group/ (any helpful resources) for family members and caregivers of those who suffer with schizophrenia and the myriad of other diagnoses that logically intertwine for a sufferer of this complex disease
(i.e. anxiety, major depression)…

we would so appreciate any suggestions/ resources to connect with a virtual style professionally led support session

thank you



Hi @mc_m. I’m very sorry to hear about your little brother.

This forum itself has a wealth of information, but you have to dig through the different threads. I am a recent member and spend a lot of time doing searches on various situations that I am dealing with as I try to help my son who is struggling with psychosis.

Following advice found here, I have joined the local branch of NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Through my local branch, I have signed up for a virtual class aimed at helping care givers and taking place in September. I’ve also joined their support group and will be attending the first virtual meeting in early August.

I hope that you find the resources that you need to help your brother and yourself.

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