My husband had his first breakdown 1 year into our marriage (October, 2015). Ever since then he has been without a job, and I have been paying all the bills (ex. rent- $1,030, his car payment $350, Car insurance $190, TV -$90, electric, heating, various credit cards, food, etc. every month). All I wanted him to do was follow tx and rest. But he refused to do the latter.
He was hospitalized again due to not taking his medicine or following tx (October, 2016). Now that he’s back he was refusing his medicine and had a psychotic episode on Thursday night.
He was pacing around praying, shouting, agitated, slamming doors, looking all around, muscles twitching, screaming, etc. He kept screaming for me my to get the evil sprits (our 2 cats) out of the house. He also thought I was an evil sprit at times.
I was afraid. I literally ran out of the house with just my cats and my keys at 1 in the morning shaking. I went to my parents three hours away. The cats are there now.
When I came back yesterday I discovered our fish tank was empty. I was devastated, He killed them, and when I asked why he said “he had a bad feeling”. When I asked how…he baked them alive in our oven. That was when I noticed a charred piece of something on the floor next to the oven.
From further questioning it doesn’t seem he remembers much from that night.
I’m disturbed, and I don’t know if I can take this anymore. He was a gentle person… If he killed these innocent animals what else is he capable of? That could have been one of the cats…Maybe it could have been a person.
I really want to leave. He doesn’t have any family here which complicates things. He’s taking his medicine for now, but I’m going to keep my distant. Once he clears maybe I can convince to go back to his country. I feel like I’m drowning. Part of me still has hope we can get past this, but I’m not sure if I could deal. I LOVED those cats and I loved my fish. Now I’m all alone with him in a quiet apartment. This isn’t the life I imagined I would be living at the age of 23.