Son home from hospital. Non-Complaint and smoking weed again

It can only get better with time. It’s hard to kick a drug habit, but pot is one of the easier ones. He needs to get some sort of life developed but honestly that took me a couple years after I got released to get back on track.

Talk to him, get him to open up. Let him know he’s human and that everything is gonna get better if he does it right.

I’d like to try this. I wonder if the weed has anything to do with the mood? I can keep him off weed most of the time because he has no money. When he went into the hospital, he had twenty bucks and it was given to him when he left, so when he runs out, it’ll be back to no weed. I can manage him as long as I am taking him places and doing lots of things. It’s when he feels lonely and is sick of me. Which is happening more and more. He actually made friends in the hospital and it made him happy. Now he’s out, and back to isolation.

He’s gonna realize he needs help. And 20mg of zyprexa is fuckin retarded.

I used to smoke pot and reject meds but I was the angry energetic stimulant abusing type of psychotic.

Colorado. Beautiful state but what a crying shame pot was legalized there. That’s all we parents of sz kids need. CO making money hand over fist now at the expense of our kids - so it will never be repealed. Makes me fighting mad. I wish some of these lawmakers had sz children. My sister lives in Boulder - she rants all the time :anguished: .

I’m so thankful GA has not legalized it (yet).

maybe try 10 mg of zyprexa. doctors always overmedicate them, thats why they wont take it.

I feel for you. I know you are feeling at your wits end, but please don’t give up.
It sounds like you are doing everything right. I wish I had some sage advice, but I don’t.
Just keep loving him, and doing all you can for him. Please keep us updated after your appointment with his pdoc tomorrow. You are not alone.
Keeping you in my thoughts!

Thank you so much. I will. :smile:

He has been asleep literally all day. I keep checking on him and when I hear him downstairs, I go to check on him, and he’s already back asleep. I had a few things planned today but we’ll have to do them another time. He’s pissed at me because I’ve made him take the Zyprexa. I don’t blame him.

Holly, I suggest repentance for putting faith in man over God! Why is it you never ask for prayer or even mention the creator? I find that suspicious considering your son’s condition, which is obviously demonic. When was the last time you took your son to church? And you wonder why he is not getting better! You’ve got no faith.

What’s with these parents who will try every tool at their disposal but God? It makes you wonder when anyone with an ounce of common sense who is not atheist should realize this is partially a demonic condition.

But I guess they put their faith in the state more than the church.

Faith is always my first step. Then I supplement it with some research, advocacy, and inquiry. We were at church tonight, actually, and we will go again on Sunday. It is then I will pray for you, Daimon.

Thank you for your input and concern for my son.

Hi Holly: sounds as though you and your son are going through some very difficult times My heart goes out to you both. It is exasperating when your loved one wont’ /can’t understand that the medication may help them feel better. Hard for us as mothers to understand how it feels to be in their shoes as well. It must be very confusing to our kids for sure. It may take some time and effort to find the right medication and for your son to agree to take medication and give up the marijuana. Continue to tell him that it will negate any meds he is taking. It is quite common to hear about refusal to take meds Our family went through some bleak spells with our son and treatments until a slow release injection was started. This we feel keeps him stable enough to them agree to take the oral meds as well. Continue to be his advocate in every way. It will be a challenge but he needs your help. Also take care of you, attend support groups and do what you like to do. Continue to tell him that you love him and what you are doing is the right thing for him.

Thank goodness for caring parent(s) and/or people. With that being said, as stated by turningthepage (who gave excellent insight), “Nineteen is young.” And, “Don’t lose hope.” He has to want to make a change. As a sufferer myself, I am thankful there are people who do not give up on us. Whether it is a family member or a mental health worker. Your son is blessed you are there for him, there are people who have schizophrenia who have absolutely no one. (My prayers are with them if nothing else. Thank you mental health professionals even though it may be stressful and difficult to deal with us. Sorry for going off topic.) With that said, as mentioned, it is very commendable of you. Stay strong, know that things are more likely to improve if you keep a positive. Many others mentioned maybe zyprexa is not a good med for him. Most things in excess are bad for you, specifically marijuana. With that being said, schizophrenia and marijuana do not mix well, especially the highly potent forms. Until he realizes that, there is not much you can do right away unless you are prepared to let him experience life outside of your home.

Here are some things you can do that may help him but will take longer… firstly, his money for the marijuana. Secondly, encourage him to smoke less whichever way you can. Whether it is the "well if you save up your money you can buy that thing you’re interested in (note: not weed). Or, “Well if you want to get a job there may drug testing,” Help encourage his grooming skills in whichever way you can. Your 5th post in this topic is especially good for your son to here when you have a serious talk with your son. SoitGoes gave excellent advice. Simply put, a change in medication wouldn’t hurt, but ultimately he needs to realize marijuana is more often than not detrimental for people with schizophrenia.

Thanks, everyone. This has all been very good advice. Of course when he woke up this morning and I had to take him to his psychdoc appt, he was severely depressed. He kept saying he wanted to go to the hospital. We went to the appointment and he wouldn’t talk, just hung his head. Super angry with me. We left and went home and I called a crisis hotline for advice because I was worried. He came into my room and asked what time we were leaving for his music therapy appointment which I was going to cancel because of his state. Long story short, we went to the therapy appt, he was so happy to be going, and she practiced some DMT therapy (?) and mindfulness techniques. I’m going to research this tonight. New to me. Anyway, we have had a great day. Made some dinner, watching a movie now , and he’s agreed to take his Invega tonight. No weed today. Told him multiple times I loved him even when I felt like I wanted him gone this morning, out of the house.
This is a good day. Now for tomorrow…

Very glad to hear your day was fairly good. Practicing mindfulness is excellent. Very glad to hear your son did well today as well. As for music, I have always felt it sets my caged soul free if only for a moment. Good to hear your son reacted well to it.

I won’t lie…your son sounds a tiny bit like me when i was first hospitalized…I was convinced there was no illness and there were people out to get me. And i was continualy smoking weed…He WILL learn one way or another that his halucinations and such are directly impacted by his smoking habits just like mine were. But I imagine it will be a long hard road ahead of you both…Im sorry :confused:


Have you tried an injectable medicine? My son also will not take pills even though he needs to take pills besides the shot. I also have the hygiene problem with my son. You are not alone. I hope this helps.