Supporting Family Member

My mom is inpatient.
All I can really do now is wait until she comes home.
Well I hope she’s getting better and recovers because seeing her in psychosis was so heartbreaking.


It was always hard to leave my son at the psych ward, but he said when he had his breakdowns, he felt safe there.
He would get his meds adjusted, counseling, and rest.
This last hospital stay, he had really good doctors who met with us to go over any questions or concerns we had.
Hopefully your moms stay will help her feel better🌸


I hope she gets better too and that your broken heart heals.


While you are waiting - I recommend you learn as much about the illness as you can, here is a good book:

and reach out to the community (e.g. and find your local chapter in your city or state - assuming you’re in the USA). In Canada its the Schizophrenia Society of Canada:

and find out all the support resources available in your area. She’ll need therapy and medication support ongoing. Learn about Psychiatric Advanced Directives and perhaps get your mother to sign one.

and rally your family support system (sisters, brothers, extended family, etc.) and make plans for when she’ll get out.

Try to stay positive - things get better (and worse, and better… - there tend to be cycles with this illness).


Thank you. I went to visit her a couple days ago. I surprised her with the visit. She was so happy to see me! Everyone there is very professional. She didn’t seem very out of it or anything, still a little confused but doing much better. It’s been hard, a lot of emotions. I recovered from schizophrenia, so I’m dealing with more burden of responsibility like getting a job and doing the best I can.