"Targeted Individual"

Yes, in the end, that is what will get a person help: if they can learn to take care of themselves. Often it is a hard concept to process…

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I see people like this:

And wonder if he believed he was being targeted. The article says he thought helicopters were following him and people were tracking his cell phone. Paranoia can go too far and this obsession does not help people who really need help.

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My 27 y.o. is a constant threat to himself and others. How do I find care for him when I need to leave town for a few days?

Hello @Mim . Welcome to the site. I see this is your first post. I am sorry you are having to deal with your son’s threat to himself and others. When my daughter was very ill, before she got on medication that helped her, I left town twice and just left her at home. I had to get away for my own mental health. She was OK when I got back.

I suggest you perhaps read some other threads on this site to get information. You can use the search (magnifying glass) to search for topics. Or you could start another new thread for people to answer you. This one you posted on is quite old now.

Our local police have a sort of mental health team. They knew our home and my daughter and often calmed her down without any incidents happening.

Is your son able to care for himself if you go away for a few days?

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Hello oldladyblue,
Thank you for replying to my post. I haven’t had anyone to talk to about this and your reaching out makes me feel a little less alone.

I will look for more current content. Unfortunately my son is continually discharged from the hospital while
he’s still unstable. None of the meds or ECT treatments (which are newly started) have brought him out of his delusions and paranoia. The psychosis is still evident to me, but not to the drs and nurses, because he’s too paranoid to discuss the “people after him” with anyone but myself and his older brother. Within a week of being discharged, he runs away and attempts suicide again. The attempts are escalating and I am a stressed out, worried mess. I do not believe I can leave him alone if he is discharged at this point, and they are talking about it again.

I am happy to hear that your daughter found meds that helped her. It helps me keep some hope that my kid will find something that helps him, too.
My fear is that he’s been stuck in delusion for a few years now, and I don’t know that his brain has had a break from it. I hope he still CAN come back. I miss the way we used to be, his easy laughter…

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Hello @Mim , thanks for answering. I truly understand where you were as I was there, and through luck, miracles and persistence I was able to get my daughter to a better place. She was basically in psychosis for 3 years before we found the right med. She often looked totally fine to others, it is scary how that works out sometimes. You have to keep hoping and trying to help your son. Her delusions and hallucinations were strong until she was put on the Haldol Dec Shot, and even after being on it for so long some delusions and hallucinations persisted, and still do. She told me the other day that the out of body beings that were with her for so long are gone now. So finally she is free of the voices.

Please do look around the site and read as much as you can. Also if you want to make a brand new thread you can. You are not alone, but it is a lonely war to fight schizophrenia. And it is a war: many battles take place.


I wonder if you could try persuading him that he is safer in a group. If he thinks people are after him, he should take refuge in “the sheeple” (sheep/people). Just an idea.


Please understand that what TIs are saying is true. You can search FOI relating to remote neural communications and you will begin to educate yourselves. Voice to skull has been used remotely on innocent citizens since at least 2005

Ignorance to the technologie andvtgeir use by international powers is no excuse for your outrageous gaslighting of your son and the millions of other TIs.

This is the biggest human rights violation ever to have taken place.

I work for the government

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It sure is, and I know someone who wend way down that rabbit hole. In fact he was one of my best friends.

He drove me nuts (like I need more of that), and drove his family completely nuts. The gubment the liberals the TV MK ultra yadda yadda. Everything was a conspiracy, and there was a liberal lurking in every shadow.

It’s mass psychosis. It’s ugly and when you see it up close it’s heartbreaking. This guy ostracized his friends and family for allegiance to the orange Hitler. I know some of you have heard about that stuff. It’s tragic to lose someone you love to it.

I know our government is colossally evil. I know they’ll throw you under the bus for a dollar. I know MK Ultra is real. BUT I’m not going to ruin every waking moment of my life over it. i do what I can do (not very much) and I let it go.

As an electronic design engineer, I was working on bioelectronic projects that I intended to cure afflictions like deafness and blindness. This was during the 1970/1980s. Oh, I had all the ideas, and the talent to work towards solutions. (This has all been accomplished today.) I was so enthusiastic, so motivated, so happy to be able to use my talents in a way that helped humanity.

As time went on, I realized that my employer (who had a lot of military contracts) was going to use this technology for very nefarious purposes. I was very conflicted and I could not continue in good conscience. So I resigned.

I tried to get more work in my field but obviously I was blackballed. No biggie; I soon landed a lucrative job in finance (which has its own sketchy ethics). Banks love to hire engineers and once again I was in the driver’s seat.

Obviously this was not a good career move. I am an engineer at heart. Now I design custom audio and sound reinforcement equipment and do consulting.

The world is an evil place. You have to find your happy place in it.

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Hi Eddie.
Yes the vast majority of people live in ignorance about what is happening in the world. All scientists involved will be silenced or worse if they speak out (which would never do because they know what is going on and understand they would not work again).

Yes, they construct all the narratives that most people believe in and buy in to - for example voices in your mind must be a mental illness. In the c18 nobody ever reported 'voices in their heads; the so called illness never existed. Unless humans magically evolved in 90 years so their brains functioned differently many of these so called illnesses are being simulated. Why? So drugs can be produced and sold. Why because the pharmaceutical companies and the WHO have so much power and control not to mentioning being central to the all important flow of money.

It is human experimentation it is that simple. These remote technologies have been trailed on humans since the 1990. the first case of someone being targeted by them was in the US in 1993. watch Barry Trower on you tube to get a glimpse in to what one whistle-blower knew in the 1990s and you will understand that if you think voice to skull is not being used on your son you are more or less living in the 1980s.

Support your son - write to the PMs office (screenshot what you write), write to you MP and keep the record, log the attacks with the police (remote neural harassment/monitoring RNM) and keep the records and write to M15 and Mi6 both of whom know exactly what is going on and keep a record of your reports – then when the times comes the SIS of this country and the authorities that should be protecting us cannot and will not be able to say they did not know when they do.


People do hear voices in their head. There’s a lot of stress and triggers in today’s society. And voices in your head don’t always mean you’re crazy. My brother’s voice is always in my head, and that’s because he gaslit the shit out of me for 30 years with his maniacal, paranoid rantings. (He was crazy 100%.) He talked and screamed almost nonstop, except when he was catatonic. But, I know it isn’t real. My nerves are grated to a nub because of him; even a phone ringing makes me panic.

I’ve been threatened with legal action just for criticizing consumer products.I have tested many products in a lab and published the results, but no more. As an engineer and audio professional, my word is taken seriously and they know it; I did contract work for a couple of them so they know where I am. And if you know anything about consumer audio, you know that their marketing campaigns are 100% BS and 0% substance (just like every other industry in the US, how stupid). And my first big employer, who had a lot of military contracts, would never tolerate me talking about their activities. I don’t know what would happen but their corporate headquarters is less than three miles from my house, so I don’t want to find out.

I agree that in this world, evil triumphs; especially in the USA. Our government is more evil than all the rest of the governments in the world combined, and it’s about to get a whole lot worse. History is repeating itself, and I’ll leave it at that.

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Oh, I don’t have any children, and my brother is deceased. And he’s been hearing voices since 1979, and he was a real nobody, so there was no point in targeting him.

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