"Targeted Individual"

I’m new here today and am wondering if anyone has a loved one with sc who believes they are what they call a “targeted individual”…or TI as he says?..My son says there are groups of people stalking…“gang stalking” him as well as lots of others and that they communicate via satellite-he will point up in the sky at night and angrily yell at a specific star telling them to stay away or stop hurting his family etc…this is just one of his many symptoms but aside from the diff personalities his second major one…


Tragically, this is such a common delusion that there are many people around the US who share it and have joined together to protest being targeted. You can even google it and see all kinds of information.

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Yes for his sake Ive YouTubed it and watched and see exactly in their faces what I see in his when he tries to tell me…but the fact that their on there makes him think its evidence that its real. I just see a bunch of videos of people with a mental disorder but I can’t tell him that. Hard to know what to do-cant encourage but dont want to make them feel hopeless…


Yes, this is a common theme for my son. H has even called the police to report it and was ranting on FB so people would know hen he was gone. It does lesson under medication but he won’t take it.

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My son also gets on fb and rants…he says unbelievable things to everyone on fb and i feel so bad for him cuz i know what they all think. He also talks a lot of being a descendant of the canary islanders…which he is not and how he has to go there as well as to Washington…very hard to see and sometimes it gets to me so bad that I feel im losing my mind along with him…:frowning:


My husband and I have questioned our own sanity on some days as well. I find if I don’t get a break every now and then, I might lose it. We make each other take a day a week for ourselves and we say, “don’t feel like you need to rush”. We haven’t always done this and have learned from experience how important it is to NOT isolate. I know I did this in the beginning because you feel so alone.
For the last 18 months, I get up at 6:00 am and walk with a couple of friends for an hour. It has really helped me so much. I sleep better and if I stop I find I get panic attacks.


I just watched a video about this:

The psychiatrist interviewed is really empathetic and realistic.


My husband believes he is a targeted individual and it has changed our lives. I am now separated from him because he was saying crazy things about people following him, trying to kill him, listening to him and mind control. I told him to get help or get out. I don’t believe these things are happening to him and I believe the counselor who said he has s serious mental illness. He refuses treatment and is miserable and angry all the time. Separating from him has given me some peace but he really believes all this mess.


Yes - if you believe you are being targeted, you could feel supported by watching this, and your delusions and fears are substantiated. Meanwhile the family is freaking out.

I just read the Wired article you mentioned:

I’m glad you have found a way to experience some peace.

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What a horror show this year has been. I recently downsized into a smaller home (kids grown). At the same time, my sister was going thru a divorce. She came to live w me. It became apparent that her a little over the top paranoia had morphed into something much more. She thinks she is a targeted individual. In her case it’s the ix in laws as opposed to the government. We went thru months of her being “zapped” by microwave weapons. She would cry w the pain. That subsided but her belief that everything is hacked increases. From the TV to my car. If it doesn’t start (tricky ignition no biggy) on first try, it’s them. If the TV fritzes, it’s them. That goes on and on. As the zapping thoughts subsided, then she thought she had Morgellone (the fiber B’s). Now it’s biofilm. She boraxes everything. She plays fairly normal around most folks as she knows it sounds crazy. Not me though. She’s hurt I don’t buy into it. It’s so negative. We encourage her to get help but she is so sure of her delusion. Like I said, she would be charming to you but I’m so done with crazy crap in my house (tape over sockets, Borax on wood floors, etc…) it’s been so negative. She manipulates me by crying. Once her house sells she gets alimony and can move. I know she needs help. We’ll keep trying but I am so done. Drones don’t get me going about the GD drones.


I have a dear friend who introduced me to the idea of the targeted individual and morgellon fibers etc. Personally, I can’t get worried about something I can’t solve, I am too stuck into trying to just live life with a sz and an alcoholic in my home. The two of them keep me quite busy trying to have a normal life.

I feel for you trying to help your sister, but a delusion is an almost impossible thing to change in another. I have successfully agreed to disagree when being pushed to accept a delusion, as taught in the “I’m not Sick, I Don’t Need Help” book. That part of the LEAP process is very handy with anyone whose beliefs I can’t agree with.

Good luck calming down your life. When does her house sell and the alimony begin? I hope you can hang in until then. Wishing you some peace for Christmas and the New Year.


So all of you bother to confirm before you believe there are no people following your loved one? Also, you insist energy weapons are not real, or just not used on innocent Americans? Psychological warfare exists I can prove it even if it’s not acknowledged. Carry on trolls.



To answer your questions/comments: yes, no, yes.

However, schizophrenia definitely exists. No matter the cause of it, schizophrenia has to be managed or treated or great harm can occur.

My daughter has recovered from her psychosis: no matter what caused it. I have no idea what caused it… but the medicine she is on has stopped her delusions/hallucinations/negative symptoms and returned her to a life she likes.


It was Snowden who release a little information on our government spying on our people and other people in the world.
That’s only a little bit of the massive secret agenda we don’t know about…


When I was in the Air Force, and had a secret clearance, I was warned by friends about a possibility of being PDH’d while in the service (pain/drug/hypnosis used to control). I am certainly in agreement that things go on that the public isn’t told about by the government.

Also, they go on outside of the government. I once signed up for a “research trial” on a sleep drug (since I have insomnia). Before I actually committed to taking the research medicine, I did enough digging to find out that one of the drugs being tested had severe side effects (sleepwalking type things: one woman went out and committed a crime and got arrested while she was “sleeping” on that drug, woke up in jail). No one conducting the test bothered to tell the volunteers about the creepy incidents that some people experienced in prior tests.

Yes, there could be government spying going on.

However, I don’t get too worried about what I can’t control. I don’t want to live in an underground cave to escape waves and weapons I can’t fight. I cope with what I can cope with and live my life.


Someone in my family feels they’re a target and while I would love to just write it all off, I cannot ignore certain things. I saw first hand that targeting is REAL. While I am NOT a “targeted individual” I have seen people who are. Is it real for everyone who thinks they’re a target? Probably not, but I’ve actually seen it. I was with this person and we went into a store and the people near us started having a conversation except their conversation was word for word verbatim repeated what we had said. Not just the rare subject matter but words we used, in succession such as “My aunt also used to teach in Savannah and they made the sun dial in her honor oh mom’s calling, hi mom, did you pick up your Breo inhaler, I made a quiche for dinner, it’s in the fridge.” I MEAN WORD FOR WORD. It freaked us both out and we left the store. But it doesn’t stop there. Whenever I am around this person that kind of stuff happens. In the early 90’s I was married to a much older man, retired Navy who had worked during the time when declassification of that MK Ultra thing had happened.He told me the stories. Apparently that stuff was totally real and he said they were working on a biological and a mind control/mental response type of thing, I really didn’t listen to him back then because I was young, stupid and uninterested in anything military. I just responded with, “That’s cool.” Looking back I wish I had listened. The programs can either protect you or ruin your life, apparently, My ex had showed me a weird machine thing that’s like biofeedback and goes over your eyes. Puts you into a hypnotic like state. He said he “got it back in the late 70’s early 80’s.” He had done work with the CIA and used to laugh about “wearing their spook suit” which was an all black hooded sweatsuit looking thing which supposedly helped him “get into places easily” whatever that meant. “Targeting” is probably real but schizophrenia is more real. The confirmation bias: when you’re looking for something, you will find it. Your loved one heard they watch people from drones and stars and he is looking for them and in his head, he is seeing them. The OBJECTIVE of targeting is (supposedly) to drive the target insane. Death, suicide, jail or institution. Of course they’re not really up in the sky. That’s what they want these people to think. If you believe that kind of thing… Tell your loved one to just take care of themselves. DO NOT spend a ton of mind power trying to figure out targeting and drive themselves nuts, that would only give - if this targeting is real - an emotional response which is filed away and cataloged in their data. SOME are delusional. But some are real targets too. Sadly I have seen it. Determine if your loved one’s is real and get them help.


That is freaky! People mimicking your conversation, word for word! I would have thought they were aliens :alien: or something—and run away!


Hmmm, aliens, a whole other possibility, eh? Sigh… no matter what causes weird behavior… I sure wish there were easier solutions to helping those with altered brain states.