Update Episode 3

Hi All. An update!

Things started to get really concerning on my end over the last few days. I ended up sitting in front of a mental health hearing to get an order to have my wife assessed. It was approved.

Came home from work that day and she had locked the house up clearly not wanted me to enter.

Luckily I had keys to another door (thought the night before I should get different keys - lucky I did).

It was clear to me in that moment that she needed help and she needed it fast.

That same day my wife got “married” and changed her name etc all on social media. So some serious concerns around reputation damage etc. her friends etc who don’t know what’s going on have all reached out really worried. I have just had to fend them off to protect her privacy.

So I called the ambulance but they were so busy that the police ended up coming. The police were excellent and she went up to the hospital voluntarily which I think is the best outcome for her. She kept saying “they are watch” “they make me do this or that…”. This is a new feature and really quite unnerving for me to witness. It was like she was possessed in a way. :cry: my heart breaks for her.

So now she is getting the help she needs it’s a matter of me informing her drs every day of some of her odd behaviour over the last few weeks/months and her getting the help she needs. She doesn’t want me involved yet (same as her previous episode) which I’m fine with for now.


Sorry about your wife…my sons illness also seems line posesseion. He just got back from. Hospital and he now on meds acted like little boy wanting to come home…now 6 hours fro. Being home after a week,he took meds…got angry again and acts like a bully…it doesnt seem like him…never like how he was from birth to 16…if i didnt know i would think he grew up in a ghetto in a big city…and is a gang member…but his kid side is a weak little baby