What comes next?

Hi my son has been in hospital for over one year , finally been told he is schizoaffective , he has been in different medications due to his heart and blood , however for the 3 time he is on clozapine, the conversations have all but gone when he is with me ? But now he has lots of different mannerisms, picking things up that aren’t there , touching the car door so many times , holding imaginary things in his hands , has anyone else experienced this and what do you do ? Every time I think I have a handle on his illness something new comes along , also the health care have just extended his compulsory treatment order for one year , that’s how it works in Scotland , any feedback would be appreciated x

My son used to do that but no longer does now that he is on medication (Invega Sustenna monthly injection) . Is your son actually taking the clozapine or is he getting an injection?

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Hi he was spitting them out so the staff watch him carefully him and he is being changed to liquid , he’s not at a therapeutic dose yet to get injections

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So do you think he is taking them? I’m not an expert but perhaps he needs a higher dose?

He says he is now but this is the third time trying clozapine in one year , he said they make him to sleepy but we haven’t got past the initial dose as due to his heart and bloods he needs titrated very slowly