Being locked out and pure nastiness

I had appointments earlier today and he called me later in the afternoon. On the phone everything sounded ok. I stopped by and all hell broke out. He believes that if he gets rid of me all of his problems will end. Im the only one who helps him. For example yesterday we went to get his money order for his rent and he wanted to do it by himself so had to go in another line anyway. Well its for 100.00 more than what it os supposed to be and its all filled out. Can take 3 weeks to get reimbursed and rent is due tomorrow. By himslef…no way…he probably would burn the place down and start a huge fight with his neighbors because he believes me and them are trying to hurt him. They dont even look at him. They probably heard some of his ranting. Hard not to. Ugh. He call me and my family every filthy name he can think of. He knows exactly what to say. Ignoring it only helps for a short time.

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Its so difficult and stressful to deal with this behavior. I went thru the same with my son. He was evicted from 3 apartments. Residents complained about his behavior and ranting and he didn’t take care of the places, so management wanted him OUT.

He was also made to leave an assist living setting that was not willing or prepared to work with someone experiencing active psychosis.

Dealing with all of that while also being called names and being accused of outrageous things is very hard on a caregiver.

How are you doing today?

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Not good. It is so hard. His family jist ignores his problem and him. The severe paranoia is back and then some. Eats only food in cans. I cant even walk by his food or drink or it ends up in the garbage. He isnt talking right mostly mumbling and i think he only hears part of what i am saying. Its like the voices in his head are taking over and maybe that’s all he hears. He rarely sleeps and hygiene is terrible. He used to take over the counter sleep aid meds but now he wont even take as much as a aspirin. This all started because he kept on searching on the internet for proof that people with schizophrenia could get off of their meds if it was done correctly. I would love to find that person if they are not locked up or worse by now and give them a piece of my mind. I know he made the choice and he apparently had to do some serious searching but this is life alternating and not in any form positive.

Im so tired. I called him when i got home and no answer then almost 2 hours later he calls me back and wants to talk. Not talk but lay guilt on me for not living with him or spending the nights. I spent many nightsto be woken up by sxreaming or saying you have to leave at 4am. It’s pitch black and the animals are all out. I have done it before but it is very stressful and not safe. He always tries to start an argument late at nighr and i feel that he wants me to feel as bad as he does then he feels better? Narsistastic because he is never ever at fault for anything at all. [quote=“Laz, post:3, topic:6052, full:true”]
Not good. It is so hard. His family jist ignores his problem and him. The severe paranoia is back and then some. Eats only food in cans. I cant even walk by his food or drink or it ends up in the garbage. He isnt talking right mostly mumbling and i think he only hears part of what i am saying. Its like the voices in his head are taking over and maybe that’s all he hears. He rarely sleeps and hygiene is terrible. He used to take over the counter sleep aid meds but now he wont even take as much as a aspirin. This all started because he kept on searching on the internet for proof that people with schizophrenia could get off of their meds if it was done correctly. I would love to find that person if they are not locked up or worse by now and give them a piece of my mind. I know he made the choice and he apparently had to do some serious searching but this is life alternating and not in any form positive.

I can not bring myself to block his number in case of an emergency but he blocks mine daily. UGH!!!

This all sounds familiar. I have experienced all of the same things - food paranoias, outlandish and vicious accusations, lack of ability to really hear what is being said.

Especially the internet search for “proof” that people with schizophrenia are harmed by medication. What BS! There is a particular site my son refers to - Makes me upset every time he brings it up, because I am certain whatever “statistics” this site presents are not reliable, but my son will believe them.

Try to not feel offended by his words, and to not let the demands overwhelm you. Consider your own needs and the boundaries you need in order to remain supportive to him.

Thank you. Sometimes mostly alot of the time i feel so alone in this. I really miss my old version of my fiancee…best friend that I used to be able to talk about anything at all. Not now.

He went and visited his mother who is very ill and can’t talk anymore because of multiple strokes. When he comes back from his visits, not very often, guess who deals with the crap. ME! Now I’m a bad person and i will end up in hell. I sont hurt anyone or anything and he attacks me verbally so bad.