Daughter bought son a coffee

My sister and her family drove here for Christmas just to spend time with me. It was very heart warming.

Very nice - good to hear that @jmgoff !!

I saw my brother today, he came over and I helped him pack some stuff. He seems to be changing for the better now.
He was depressed for a while and is taking a new medication for it - he was very nice and understanding with me. Maybe it was a biochemical issue with him that has now been resolved, lets hope

Yay that’s a good report! Now that your brother is feeling better, hopefully things will continue to improve. Fingers crossed for you:)

Perhaps it would help her to know it’s more of a rabid thing than a choice really.

It would also help people in these situations just to be more organized about it, i don’t believe there is much of a reason for an unmedicated mentally ill person to be wandering around, people need the right to have them taken for a bit and monitored.

How long was this allowed to go on exactly? Not long i hope.

Perhaps some people should be forced to recieve medication and be helped to take it?

A great story, sometimes the best things happen without any planning, just by reacting to the events around us …

I am so glad my sis was a 5 and 6 year old little kid when I was in my destructive anger phase and didn’t really understand the whole picture of it all. Otherwise I don’t think she would have been as patient with me as she was.

I do know one thing that really hurt her was when she was 7 and I was at the height of my worst, Mom and Dad sent her away to live with our Aunt and Uncle. My brothers were all much older and able to defend themselves and do their own thing. My sis was 7 and a tiny little kid. Mom and Dad thought they were protecting her… But she really took that as Mom and Dad didn’t want her or even consider her as part of the family.

I think that really damaged their relationship. They have said if they had to do it over, sending my kid sis away is one of the huge things they would do differently.

Aww, makes me sad for your sis, but totally understand why your parents did that. I would have done the same thing. You do what you gotta do to protect your babies.

Logically, my 17 year old kid sis in the here and now understands why that happened. She knows they were trying to protect her.

But she still won’t go to them for help. Not in a mean or sneaky way… it’s like she forgets they are on her side. She still doesn’t really turn to them when things are getting rough for her. She still doesn’t really consider them when she needs back up. This last stint of physical illness was a heart breaker… Let us know the work isn’t over.

Mom and Dad asked her… “why in the world didn’t you tell us when you were getting sick all the time and coughing up blood”

She actually said, “I didn’t want to bother you with this this… John is going through rehab and Jacob is crumbling into depression. Mental illness comes first.”

It is heart breaking… But we are still healing. Mom and Dad and our sis are working on it, going to family therapy, and trying to reinforce that bridge. It will happen.

I can sort of relate to your sis. Growing up my parents were never there emotionally or physically, so at a very young age I just knew I had to do things for myself and I did. As I grew, I never went to them for anything because I just knew they wouldn’t be there, that’s just the way it was. Your sis “thought” your parents weren’t there, and her perception is her reality, so she probably resolved herself to do things on her own, so it never enters her mind, just as it never entered my mind.

The good news is that with therapy your sis will hopefully come to realize they really are there for her.

Good to see your daughter and son getting on again. Family support helps a lot.

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