How are you affected by Covid-19?

I’m very afraid for my mum this winter.
She lives with my sister, abusive alcoholic schizophrenic.
If lockdown gets serious enough we won’t be allowed to travel more than 5 mi from home or mix between households.
I moved 35 mi away last year.
The blinds are always drawn. Mum buys food, sometimes £30 a day all purged into the loo.
She is 77 and has just adopted a 9 month old puppy, found through meeting a woman who could not cope with him because of M.E., arthritis, morbid obesity etc.
She already has a 2.5 yr old dog.
She has smoked all her life, unmitigated… but she walks the dogs 3h a day in total.
She said she wanted to add to who loves her and doesn’t hate her.
It is terrifying for all of us me not being able to see her.

I think last time I bent the rules twice, over 6 weeks, making the trip to her and meeting outside, ready with the excuse that it was a mental health emergency

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My son and I are both high risk and we are extremely careful and limited on how often and how long we go out in public and we always wear masks and social distance and often I order what we need and have it delivered. We still don’t have a washer and dryer so once a week we go to a local laundry mat and at least they wear masks there and it’s not crowded. Then we pick up necessities and if we can find a relatively empty space in our local park we will stop and take a walk in the woods. Otherwise we stay home. It’s difficult because we use to go out daily and walk every where all the time and go to cinemas and malls and gyms and festivals and fairs…all the time…but no more. Not until we have a reliable (trustworthy) vaccine and evidence that the worse of this pandemic is behind us. I have noticed that my son has begun to smoke a bit more. He always smokes outdoors because I do not smoke and I have asthma. He normally goes through about 13 or 14 packs a month (30 days) but lately we have had to pick up an extra pack or two by the end of the month. I know this weighs on his nerves as it does mine.
I know you are under a lot of stress with all the worry. I don’t know what advice I can give. My heart goes out to you. Can you Zoom or Skype with your family? Just a thought.

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Hi yes we have been face timing
It’s been a wonderful change compared with phone calls… It really helps
You are very responsible to hardly go out.
During summer the government wanted us to go out and keep the economy going.
The one thing I have been doing is going in shops far too much.
Husband takes the risk of going on trains to get to work when he could drive.I might challenge him that this is quite irresponsible considering he has me and my mum and his mum to think about.
Husband takes the risk of going on trains to get to work when he could drive.I might challenge him again. not sure but I think it is quite irresponsible considering he has me and my mum and his mum to think about that.
I suppose everything will go back to being online, Around here there is very little COVID-19.but I’m sure that won’t be for ever.what we have is a three tier system where areas of shutdown on terms of risk locally.
We get all our food delivered which is a difference and I’m sure that helps a lot.

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Besides following basic laws (obviously) I never listen to the government. I listen to myself. I’m a science geek anyway so wearing masks, social distancing and hand washing were no brainers for me. I also am somewhat of an introvert as is my son so while we like going places together when we can, we are fine staying at home until the world is a safer place. Stay well friend.

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not at all, rode trip, Macon GA, no issue, dont watch TV

Whoa! Nope! Nope! And Nope thank you! I get as much delivered or picked up in bulk ‘curbside’ as we can, order to-go from local businesses to try and help keep them afloat, wear masks when in public (unless we are in a well secluded area), carry hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, gloves, moisturizer, spray, extra masks, extra plastic bags, a couple bottles of water (my once-purse has now become a virtual diaper bag, and I’ve no kids), disinfect the home everyday as my MI partner hasn’t really gotten down the basics of the concept of transference (which is long-time already deeply engrained in me from 20 yrs in healthcare) and honestly I’m not sure he didn’t believe until a couple weeks ago that Covid-19 isn’t ‘fake news’… And he’s got no problem carrying on like everything is normal… yikes! I had to re-teach myself that what I think of and use as common sense isn’t necessarily naturally imbued in him… oh boy. Yup. There’s days I swear he just thinks it’s funny to try and put ME in crisis! LOL I will say some folks may find it extreme, but I have us disinfect the bottoms of our shoes when we come in the house, because in my mind I can just envision people without masks talking and spewing and coughing and it’s all over the ground and floors… but trust me, I’m sure there’s folks working in clinical facilities that don’t even walk into their houses once they get home to their loved ones without stripping in the garage in front of the washing machine and spraying their shoes before they go strait to the shower before even greeting them. I’ve resigned myself to thinking and feeling everyday like I have to remind of hand-washing and precautions and repeating my little mantra/infomercial that I’ve become that states and re-states safety and wellness facts. Like I have a classroom of five year olds… Sigh. But we don’t live in fear, I just try an push for an informed reality. Tough though when somebody believes and lives in their own alternate ‘reality’… gosh. Now why is that sounding so familiar? :wink:

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