I had posted previously and received,and acted on, your suggestions.
With the results of that, my brother sent me all of his mental health records. That is a milestone! I was astounded to learn that he had been arrested, after many other arrests, for brandishing a steak knife in a homeless shelter, has hepatitis C (how? why?) and was in the psych hospital for months on enforced prolixin, haldol and cogentin.
He has also told a nurse at the hospital that he would kill her. And he has been doing a lot of sexual acting out.
I live 2500 miles away from him so he’s all on his own while running through the arrests, hospitalizations etc.
He has previously not given me any info, but once I took your suggestions and offered him love and acceptance, he sent me all of this.
He is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, antisocial personality disorder and is listed as a serious risk of harm to himself and others. He has been in and out of psych hospitals for years and this all started in 1990!
I just don’t know what to do at this point. I do not have clearance from him to be part of his treatment plan etc.
My brother’s psych prognosis is poor, as the psychiatrists wrote in his enforced med regime.
What do I do? What is my role as I love him?
Nevertheless, I cannot take him into my home because I am terrified!
Please help!
Thank you!